Researching Solutions– Instructions
Create a 5-page request for proposal (RFP) for the hospital, health care clinic, or other health care facility you selected in Assessment 1.
• Competency: Manage how information is utilized within a health care setting.
o Analyze information technology needs of a health care setting.
Competency: Integrate information management within the health care organization.
o Evaluate policies and human resource guidelines of a health care setting.
Competency: Analyze common technological solutions in health care information management.
o Evaluate HIPAA.
o Evaluate electronic health records in a health care setting.
o Evaluate quality improvement initiatives in a health care setting.
o Analyze how information technology and administration work collaboratively in a health care setting.
Information management can only be successful if integrated appropriately within the functions of the health care setting. Often, one
information technology solution is not enough to manage all aspects. In this case, various systems need to be integrated to work collaboratively
together, while remaining effective within their primary function.
In addition to looking at how information systems begin to fall in line with administrative and strategic decisions in health care settings, you
should consider how computer technology assists in the clinical component of the health care setting. One major focus now is how computer
technology is used in surgery. How might technology impact surgical planning and initiatives?
Required Resources:
• American Health Care Information Management Association. (2011). American Health Information Management Association code of ethics.
Retrieved from
• Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society. (2014). HIMSS. Retrieved from
• U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2014). National health information center. Retrieved from
• (n.d.). Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services. Retrieved from
• American Health Information Management Association. (2014). Journal of AHIMA. Retrieved from
• HIMSS Media. (2014). Healthcare IT news. Retrieved from
A request for proposal (RFP) formally asks vendors to submit proposals on how they would resolve the needs and wants of the health care setting.
Prior to creating a RFP, one needs to be familiar with the various standards for the health care setting, as well as the field in general.
Create an RFP for Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas. Using the Internet, complete the following:
• To research and analyze the critical needs of the health care facility, begin by creating a list of questions for a prospective vendor,
focusing on security, compliance, and regulatory criteria. Create a list of 10 key areas that would be addressed in the RFP.
• Research, examine, and evaluate HIPAA, electronic health records, and quality improvement initiatives.
o Explain why these three topics are critical to the successful implementation.
o Describe how all three areas are related to one another.
Examine and evaluate how information technology (IT) works within a health care setting.
o Analyze how the IT and administration teams can work in a collaborative environment.
Evaluate the policies and human resource guidelines of the health care facility.
In the form of a request for proposal, provide an analysis of the key items above for Baylor University Medical Center. It should be at least 5
pages in length (excluding the title and references pages), with supporting references in APA format.
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Your paper should be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting. Include a title page and a
references page.
Length: 5 typed and double-spaced pages, excluding the title and references pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
Research: Use a minimum of 7 credible sources. Five or more should be from the Required Resource list above.