Assessment Task 1: Select a topic, research, and summarise a relevant journal article
Assessment Task 1 is an individual research and critical analysis task that is based on a topic that has been selected by the group. Each student has the task of finding an academic research article on the chosen topic. Each student needs to find (research), read, analyse and write a summary of that academic journal article. Restrict your search to an article published in the last five years in an academic, peer reviewed journal. If you are uncertain if an article is appropriate or not, talk to your tutor before beginning your work.
A template for analysing and summarising the journal article is included below. Students are expected to type up the final version of the individual journal article summary using this electronic template. The assignment must be submitted on the electronic template via Turnitin. Use of the La Trobe University Library Database ( would be very useful for this assignment.
You can choose an article from the journals below. Other relevant journals can be found on LMS. Also, The following journals may be helpful in researching particular topics or in keeping up-to-date with contemporary research in IHRM. Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Asia-Pacific Journal of Human Resources, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Journal, International Business Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business.
Please reference any material you use which is not your own. Please ensure you acknowledge the source of the references by using the Harvard Referencing Style.
Refer to: for tips on acknowledgement, referencing and plagiarism.
You must use at least six (6) refereed journal articles as references. Access to the La Trobe University online journals (see: is a useful resource. Avoid colloquial language and spelling, grammatical and typographical errors. Repeated errors of this kind will be penalised. Assignments must follow the specified word length, although a tolerance of 10% is allowed without penalty.
Assessment Task 1 –Individual task – ‘Individual research and critical analysis’
Student Name:
Student ID:
Tutorial (Day & Time):
Year of publication:
Volume, Issue, Pages:
Title of Article:
Title of Journal Publication:
Identify at least three key issues, concepts (ideas), propositions or theories that have been discussed in the literature review. How have these issues informed or influenced the current paper and its research questions? (Paraphrase – i.e., use your own words)
Discuss the data collection and analysis methods:
Who was studied in this research?(Paraphrase – i.e., use your own words)
List and describe the research findings: (Paraphrase – i.e., use your own words)
How has this research study contributed to knowledge ofyourchosen topic?(Paraphrase – i.e., use your own words)
What suggestions/recommendations are made for future research: (Paraphrase – i.e., use your own words)
References (Using Harvard referencing style)
(Words count: 1000, NOT including references)
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