Please visit a retail store (e.g., Target, Fry’s, Walmart, Best Buy, CVS, Food City, etc.) and assess the store on the following criteria: How would you describe the pricing and promotion strategies? You may include other observations related to the retailer’s marketing strategies.

Question description

Please visit a retail store (e.g., Target, Fry’s, Walmart, Best Buy, CVS, Food City, etc.) and assess the store on the following criteria:

  • Who is the intended target market? Does the product assortment appear appropriate for the target market?
  • How would you describe the store layout? Lighting? Aisles? Displays?
  • How would you assess the customer service?
  • How would you describe the pricing and promotion strategies?
  • You may include other observations related to the retailer’s marketing strategies.

Please include the store name, location, and time/date of visit.

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