Person-Situation Interactions
Write a paper 700 to 1050 words analyzing the person centered approaches to personality. The word count should not exceed 1100 words or a 10% deduction will be taken. Your paper should cover the following areas:
Grading Rubric
12 points possible |
Points available |
Compare person-centered theory with Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. |
4 |
Outline the main components of person-centered theory that contribute to personality development. Use references and citations. |
4 |
Identify which theory you relate to most, and explain why.
4 |
Format 3 points possible |
Points available |
Follows rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation.
Has a structure that is clear, logical, and easy to follow. Introduction and conclusion in your paper provided.
4 |
Total |
16 |
Include an introduction and conclusion in your presentation.
Format your presentation to be consistent with APA guidelines.
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