This is a 12–point assignment. The objective of this assignment is to spend hours thinking and understanding the chemistry, water, and carbon properties, biological molecules, organelle function and plasma membrane structure and physiology. Remember, there are many more questions that can be asked of you than just these 24 questions. Think about the question, and after you have answered, think about all the different ways that I could ask the same question and think about all the other parts. For example, if I ask about “dehydration synthesis” only, don’t stop there. You’ll want to study the other process as well- “hydrolysis.” The more time you spend looking at these concepts, the more comprehension you’ll achieve. This assignment can act as a study tool and should add towards your overall study time for Unit 1.
INSTRUCTIONS: The easiest way to complete this assignment is to type in your answer below each question. (Hit the enter key to make some space) Please type your ANSWERS in BLUE for easy reading. Save this document either as a PDF or .docx, either way is fine. Upload to dropbox on BB by the assigned date which can be found on the announcement page on BB. You will be given zero points for this assignment if it is turned in 1 minute past the due date but can be turned in up to two weeks early. My advice, turn it in at least one day early. Do not email it to me.
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