Milestone Two
This assignment is the second milestone that you will complete for your final project. This is an important practice opportunity to draft this section now
and get instructor feedback that will help you improve upon your final submission. This is graded differently than the final project given this is a
practice opportunity. Review the rubric for full details.
If you have not already reviewed your feedback from your instructor on Milestone One do so now. Make any corrections or adjustments to improve upon that
section of your draft so that you are working from good premises before beginning this Milestone which depends on that information.
To complete this assignment, review the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric document.
IT 210 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: When you are in a market and researching if and how new technologies can help your business, it is important to examine what your competitors are
doing with the same technologies, and how successful they are implementing them. This assignment is the second milestone that you will complete for your
final project. In this milestone, you will address the following:
You will begin drafting parts of your final project, focusing on your business requirements, competitors, and technology.
This assignment is an important practice opportunity for you to create a draft, and to get feedback from your instructor to improve your final draft.
The rubric reflects that this is a practice opportunity. You should focus on getting the necessary information into your draft. No draft is perfect.
This milestone aligns with sections I, II, and III of your final project. Use the questions in the critical elements as a guide.
You are free to work in the Final Project Template document or on a separate word document for your drafts.
o It is recommended you use the template to ensure you do not miss any items you need to address. The critical elements are highlighted in
yellow in the template.
You will submit the Decision Matrix document you used to conduct your research as part of this assignment.
For guidance on completing the decision matrix, refer to these learning resources:
Decision Matrix: What It Is and How to Use It: This article defines the decision matrix and discusses how leaders evaluate and prioritize all of their
options when considering solutions to a difficult task.
Decision Matrix Analysis: This article explains how to use a decision matrix analysis, a useful technique for making a choice when many factors must be
Decision Matrix Example: Use this resource to view an example of a completed decision matrix.
Prompt: Remember that you have immersed yourself in the role of an IT professional. Imagine that you work for the small brick-and-mortar business described
in the final project case scenario. The owner of your business wants to focus on generating new revenue through e-commerce, but she knows that this change
operations requires the company to integrate new technology. To gain an understanding of what the business might need for technology, she has asked you to
create a business systems analysis. In this part of your drafted analysis, you will focus on solutions and recommendations based on your research for your
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
III. Technology Solutions: In this section, you will discuss how each of the two technologies meets the technology requirements that you identified in
section II. Use your decision matrix to guide your responses.
A. Technology One: Explain how well this technology meets the technology requirements of your business. Be sure to address which technology
requirements the technology meets, and where there are gaps.B. Technology Two: Explain how well this technology meets the technology requirements of your
business. Be sure to address which technology
requirements the technology meets, and where there are gaps.
IV. Recommendations: In this section, you will recommend the technology solution that you believe is most appropriate for your business based on how
well each technology meets your business’s technology requirements.
A. Recommend a technology solution for your business, and defend why that solution is appropriate. You could recommend only one technology,
or you could recommend any combination of the two that you investigated.
B. Explain the overall benefit of your recommended technology solution to your business. Consider the following:
i. How will it enhance efficiency?
ii. How will it position your business for future growth as you move online?
Lastly, submit the decision matrix that you used for your research.
Guidelines for Submission: Your rough draft should be 3–4 pages in length and should follow APA formatting, including double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, and one-inch margins.
Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more
review these instructions.
Critical Elements Minimal or No Errors (100%) Significant Errors (75%) Missing from Draft (0%) Value
Technology One
Explains how well this
technology meets the
technology requirements of
the business, with minimal or
no errors
Explains how well this
technology meets the
technology requirements of
the business, but explanation
contains inaccuracies or is
missing required components
Does not explain how well this
technology meets the
technology requirements of
the business
Technology Two
Explains how well this
technology meets the
technology requirements of
the business, with minimal or
no errors
Explains how well this
technology meets the
technology requirements of
the business, but explanation
contains inaccuracies or is
missing required components
Does not explain how well this
technology meets the
technology requirements of
the business
Recommends a technology
solution for the business and
defends why that solution is
appropriate, with minimal or
no errors
Recommends a technology
solution for the business, but
does not defend why that
solution is appropriate, or
defense is illogical or contains
Does not recommend a
technology solution for the
Overall Benefit
Explains the overall benefit of
the recommended technology
solution to the business, with
minimal or no errors
Explains the overall benefit of
the recommended technology
solution to the business, but
explanation is cursory or
illogical or contains
Does not explain the overall
benefit of the recommended
technology solution to the
Decision Matrix Decision matrix is included and
has been completed
Decision matrix is included but
is incomplete
Decision matrix is not included 15
Articulation of
Submission has no major
errors related to citations,
grammar, spelling, syntax, or
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively
impact readability and
articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or
organization that prevent
understanding of ideas
Total 100%