IT Project 1

Assignment Description
Write up each solution in a five to ten page paper that complies with APA standards. Make sure you have at least three references for each solution.
Use the five competitive forces model as described in this chapter to describe how information technology might be used to develop a strategy for a

winning position for each
of these businesses:
A global airline
A local dry cleaner
A mobile phone company
A bank
A web-based wine retailer
Assignment Objectives
Perform systems analysis in a variety of industries and competitive situations.
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Assignment Overview
Type: Individual Project
Unit: Default
Due Date: Mon, 7/24/17
Grading Type: Numeric
Points Possible: 150
Points Earned: 0
Deliverable Length: 5-10 pages
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Assignment Details
Learning Materials
Reading Assignment
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Online Deliverables: Submissions
In-Class Deliverables: None
