Homework Assignment

Homework Assignment

Order Instructions:
Application: Communication and Identity

At the most basic level, when we communicate we create and send a message to another party who receives it and then responds to us. However, the process of communication goes much deeper. When communication occurs, it shapes the identity of the persons involved, much like a sculptor shapes a piece of clay, wood, or stone into a statue. As you engage in academic communication, you take on the identity of student to analyze the other identities within yourself.
Note: The “To prepare for this Application” section provides you with information to consider during your review of the reading and preparation for completing the Application Assignment.

To prepare for this Application:

Read Chapter 2 of Communication in a Changing World.
Reflect on how communication, your impression of your “self,” and your many identities work together during the communication transaction.

To complete the Appplication:

You will need this worksheet called “Week 1 Application: Communication and Identity.” To retrieve and complete the worksheet simply click on the Week 1 Application link. Then:

Download the worksheet to your computer.
Save the worksheet with this submission title (using your own name):
“COMM WK1Assgn+lastname+first initial”
Type your answers to the questions in the spaces provided on the worksheet you just downloaded and not on a separate file.
Save your work again in preparation to upload the file for grading.
Return the completed worksheet to the submission link below for your instructor to grade.