Explain the different wars in Europe played out on American Soil (see chart on p. 112). Why did European events have such a large effect on the colonies?

Question description

1.  What significant differences are there between the religious groups of Britain that settled in America?  Why were they unable to form a unified presence in the colonies?

2.  Explain the different wars in Europe played out on American Soil (see chart on p. 112).  Why did European events have such a large effect on the colonies?

3.  Trace the development of the Navigation Acts, Townshend Acts and Intolerable Acts as motivations for the start of the American Revolution.

4.  What role did the philosophes and the new political thoughts in Europe have on American political movements?  (use the powerpoint slides for further info)

5.  Discuss early democratic experiences by settlers in America through religious, social and regional political structures.

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