Objective 2: Use a critical thinking framework to evaluate alternative courses of actions and reach sound decisions in workplace situations.
See the Required business document in a separate file in this module.
Analyze the business document below (scroll down), applying all 8 steps of the critical thinking framework model discussed in the US Army Management Staff College AMSC Critical Thinking report (citing Dr. Richard Paul model) at http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/army/critical/roy.htm
You are using the 8 step method disseminated by Roy Eichhorn, Strategic Systems Department, Army Management Staff College, in the report entitled, DEVELOPING THINKING SKILLS: CRITICAL THINKING AT THE ARMY MANAGEMENT STAFF COLLEGE in section COMPONENTS OF CRITICAL THINKING AT AMSC.
From the ASMC report: "Elements of Reasoning; (1) Points of view, frame of reference, perspective, orientation (2) Purpose of the thinking, goal, objective (3) Question at issue, problem (4) Implications and consequences (5) Information, data, facts, observations and experiences (6) Assumptions, presuppositions, taking for granted (7) Interpretations and inference, conclusions and solutions (8) Concepts, theories, definitions, actions, laws, principles, models
THE AMSC PHILOSOPHY ON CRITICAL THINKING […] We are often asked why we go to the effort of trying to teach critical thinking; people already know how to think. The first answer to this question is that yes, we all think, but do we do it well and are we able to evaluate the quality of our thinking? […] Dr. Paul responded to this question with the statement that reflects our philosophy: "We are always thinking, the question is, are we in charge of our thinking, or is our thinking in charge of us?"
The following is one of Dr. Paul’s definitions of critical thinking that summarizes our approach:
"Critical thinking is the ability to think about one’s thinking in such a way as:
to recognize its strengths and weaknesses and, as a result,
to recast the thinking in improved form.
Such thinking about one’s thinking involves the ability to identify the basic elements of thought (purpose, question, information, assumption, interpretation, concepts, implications, point of view) and assess those elements using universal intellectual criteria and standards (clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, and logicalness)."
Apply all 8 of the AMSC steps.of the critical thinking model to assess the arguments made in the memo. Leaving out discussion of steps will adversely affect your grade. As the final 9th step in the paper, use the content on fallacies in Almossawi, Ali (2013). An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments -https://bookofbadarguments.com/?view=allpages to identify any fallacies in the memo. Although not necessary for a passing grade, answers to some of the questions may be enhanced by doing additional research.
Remember that your task here is to evaluate the author’s argument as objectively as possible, not to give your own opinions on the issue. Be sure to use the analytical points as set out in the critical thinking report, not your own thoughts on the issue.
The paper should be 7-9 double spaced pages. This number does not include the title page or the reference page(s). All your references should be listed at the end of the paper as required by the APA format. Please be very careful in your papers to use proper grammar, spelling and English language usage. The citations and the reference list in the paper should be formatted in accordance with the APA guidelines, and be sure to include all references where required. NOTE: FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT YOU DO NOT NEED TO INCLUDE AN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR THE PAPER.
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