Please check the material to be used in the paper :
ch 11,12,13
General Instructions:
This final project exercise will take you throughout all business research methodology steps. The exercise is based on the case study ” NCRCC:
Teeing Up a New Strategic Direction”( It relates to NCR Country Club
that started out as a benefit for thousands of National Cash Register employees. By the late 1990s, those employees were aging rapidly and the
core membership needed to be increased. NCRCC offers two golf courses. One is an award winning, the championship-hosting course on the PGA tour.
But it wasn’t attracting new members, especially younger families. This case is about a membership study done as part of a larger management
initiative to evaluate several strategic directions the club might take to expand its membership.
The learning/teaching strategy designed for this class aims to achieve the learning objectives/outcomes of the course by following the textbook
table of content (TOC) (which is by nature the correct way of doing a research). Each week you are going to receive instructions on how to apply
the weekly material on this final project, and you will be required to craft and submit partial final project submissions until having it done
by the week 8 of the course. This rhythm will challenge you systematically, and allow you to get a better understanding of how to apply research
to a management context.
Instructions for Week 3 FP advance:
Read the case study several times until making sure you have understood it completely. Based on the content covered in week 1, 2 and 3 of this
course, develop the following points:
1. Identify all the variables and sub-variables used in the study (by reading the case, and looking at the questions in the survey content, the
variables and sub-variables can be identified. Usually, there is one variable (with sub-variables or not) per question, for instance:
Variable: Satisfaction
Sub variable(s): None
Question 2:
Variable: Feeling
Sub-variables: 8 sub-variables
2a (family oriented -currently-1), 2b (family oriented -should be- 2)
2c (adult-oriented -currently-1), 2d (adult-oriented -should be-2)
2e (golf/dining -currently-1), 2f (golf/dining -should be-2)
2g (gold club -currently-1), 2h (gold club -should be-2)
Question 3:
Variable: Decision to join the Club
Subvariables: 15 sub-variables
3a (new friends), 3b (relation to home), 3c (relation to work), 3d (social functions), 3e (friends/members), 3f (parents), 3g (exclusivity), 3h
(affiliation), 3i (competitive fees), 3j (private parties), 3k (reputation), 3l (dining), 3m (golf), 3n (availability), 3o (Top 100)
3. Based on the case study and the survey content, build the management-research question hierarchy, through the investigative questions stage.
Then compare your list with the measurement questions asked in the survey used in the case.
4. Based on the research design topic from chapter 6. Define (1) the purpose of the study, and (2) the nature of the study(exploratory,
descriptive, or casual). Explain why.
After reading the Chapters Measurement, Measurement scales, Questionnaires and instruments answer the questions below.
2. Below are listed some objects of varying degrees of abstraction. Suggest properties of each of these objects that can be measured by each of
the four basic types of scales. There are relatively few pure interval scales found in business research. Almost all text discussions of this
scale refer to the example of temperature scales. However, some attitude scales such as the Likert and Semantic Differential, are claimed to
approach interval characteristics. In addition, approximate interval scales can be developed from paired comparisons and rank orders of objects.
See the following A and B examples. Once, you have seen them then do the same for the object 1 shown below:
A. Store customers
Nominal – Group them by race, ethnic background, married or single status, etc.
Ordinal – Example: Rank them as very frequent buyers, frequent buyers, and infrequent buyers.
Interval – Some scale of attractiveness in which the scale is presumed to be interval (interval must be defined)
Ratio – Example: Average size of monthly purchases.
B. Voter attitudes
Nominal – Example: grouped as Republican, Democrat, Independent, and other.
Ordinal – Example: Rank of candidates in order of preference.
Interval – Likert – type scale (Likert interval must be defined)
Ratio – Example: Count of votes for various candidates in each district.
Object: 1) Consumer e-commerce attitudes. Be specific when suggesting the properties. For instance, interval/Likert, if applies, it must
describe the item with its specific scale.
3. From the “Ohio Lottery case”, studied last week (Week 3 Assignment):
a. Answer question 4.
b. Using Exhibit 11 -3 and the case questionnaires (From Exhibit OL-3 Ohio Lottery Study Sample Questions 6A, 25, and 29), match each
question to its appropriate scale type. For each scale type not represented, develop a measurement question that would be of that scale type.
4. Considering the exercise 1 of the last week (Week 3 Assignment, and Chapter 13), design a professional questionnaire to measure the content
(service quality and complaints) of the three first research questions by using the appropriate scale. (You decide a number of questions you
consider could be applicable to this c