Effect of aerobic exericise on physical performance in patient with alzheimer disease
EP 4113 Assignments
1. For this assignment, you are to submit a powerpoint presentation in abstract form as outlined (see below).
Additionally, you are required to submit the article selected in PDF format with your presentation back to me via
this assignment link. You should select an article from the following areas: cardiorespiratory assessment, aerobic
exercise prescription, or effects of aerobic exercise training on cardiorespiratory fitness.
A) Select a data based research site (pubmed), focusing on the following potential journals: Medicine & Science
in Sports & Exercise, Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, International Journal of Sports
Medicine, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, British
Journal of Sports Medicine, Journal of Applied Physiology, Journal of the American Medical Association,
International Journal of Obesity, and New England Journal of Medicine.
B) Parts of the PowerPoint presentation:
a) Slide 1: Citation Information (including name of article, authors (up to 5), title, journal title, volume
number, inclusive pages, and year published. Finally at the bottom state your name “Presented by XXX”
b) Slide 2 – Purpose: Briefly state the purpose of the research.
c) Slide 3, 4, etc – Methods: Briefly indicate subject demographics, research design, test protocols,
statistical analysis.
d) Slide Section # – Results: Highlight the major results and findings of the study.
e) Slide Section # – Conclusion: What did the authors conclude based on the results?
f) Slide Section # – Implications: In your own words, what does it all mean? How can the information be
used or applied in a practical setting? What is the take home message for your audience?
C) PowerPoint and Oral Presentation Tips:
a) Make certain you use large font size to ease readability by audience.
b) Don’t crowd too much on any 1 slide.
c) Enlarge any graphs copied from the article to the slide.
d) Practice your presentation before you present to the class!
e) Practice good presentation skills (e.g. do not read off the slides or paper to the audience; make good eye
contact; work on voice inflection; and maximize use of visual aids).