Creative writing

Creative writing
Requirements: each entry must be at least 125 words.

1. Consider A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. In her narrative, Rowlandson provides an account of the time she spent in captivity. The narrative documents the abduction of Rowlandson and the death of some of her family members, and clearly one of the purposes of the work is to describe this terrible time in her life. However, the narrative also serves to describe the Native American culture. Rowlandson makes several observations about the similarities/differences in cultural traditions between the Native Americans and the European settlers. Discuss one similarity and one difference that Rowlandson describes. What is her attitude toward these differences?

2.Fight for Freedom. Consider Douglass’s speech “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” What logic does he use to make his point? His speech contains a lot of emotion, including anger. His anger is certainly justified, but does his anger take away from the effectiveness from his argument? Describe a time when you argued a position you were angry about. Were you able to make an effective argument? Why or why not?
