
Course: ECO 2013.0m3 & .0M4 & Principles of Macroeconomics

Paper:A short (5-8 pages) entitled‘Choices’; it is described below and in more detail at the end of this instruction sheet. It requires me to specify my outlook on my future.

The Choices Paper: The required content, length, and other guidance are outlined at the end of this and is discussed in the 5 YouTube videos, as noted at the end of this instruction sheet.PLEASE!!!make sure you watch ALL YouTube Videos at end before writing this choices paper!!!!!!!

Choices: A Personal Statement

Let’s try a modified definition of economics: call it “the study of happiness.” After all, what you do with what you have – today – will determine in large part whether your future is a happy one. If you are enrolled in college, it seems reasonable to assume that you also believe that. You are investing today – in yourself – for a brighter future.

I would like to lead you through an examination of this investment you are making in the following exercises. Your task, when we are done, is to write a paper – a “Choices” paper – about where you are now and where you intend to go over the next five years or so. Every principle we will apply, remember, also has application in any organization or society setting its course for the future. So this entire exercise/paper would be just as appropriate for an organization (family, corporation, etc.) or a society to undertake.

Step 1 is to examine your internal value system. Closely examine the following sample list of values – and add to it with other values that occur to you during the process – and select the top three to five values which you believe to be most important in your life. Write them down. Then prioritize them from most to lesser importance. Finally, for each one that you have chosen, write an explanation with examples to make it clear what you mean by your choice of a specific term. This is the first section of your Choices paper.


Step 1 – VALUES

Honesty               Independence                  Respect                                Accomplishment              Discipline

Adventure          Security                                                Laughter              Success                                                Truth

Fun                        Honor                                   Ecology                 Service                                 Travel

Learning               Safety                                   Friendship           Possessions                        Dedication

Love                      Responsibility                    Exploration         Achievement                    Humility

Family                  Conformity                         Serenity               Tradition                              Recognition

God                       Diversity                              Nature                  Beauty                                  Discovery

Creativity             Spirituality                           Art                          Contribution                      Imagination

The following are the values I picked and prioritized for you already Please use the in paper:  (1)Family(2)Success  (3)Achievement(4)Dedication(5) Discipline

WATCH Choices step 1 – Values:

From this introspective process, you have laid the groundwork for the next part of the paper – Step 2The Vision Section.

Step 2 – VISION

Take some time to envision yourself approximately five years in the future. You have completed your college studies and embarked on a career – or otherwise worthwhile purpose.

In this part of the paper, describe as carefully, colorfully, and in as much detail as possible what you imagine your life to be like at this point in the future. This may include many elements of your lifestyle (type car, where you live), relationships, work environment and type of work, and “free time” activities.

This is the time for imagination, creativity, and removing constraints from yourself. Think big, expansive, unlimited. In your mind, reach your full potential. The more graphic your vision of this future, the more powerful it will be in helping you in your later choices.

WATCH Choices  step2 – Vision:

Step 3 – GOALS

This next section of the paper asks you to describe the four to seven goals you must achieve in the near future to make your vision a reality. These might include your degree, fluency in a foreign language, an internship or other specific work experience, achievement of a certain GPA, or other measures. Simply list and briefly explain each of your goals and assign a timeline for when you intend to reach them. The discussion in the YouTube video on SMART goal might help in this process. Don’t miss it.

WATCH Choices  step3 – Goals:

Step 4 – PLANS

Each goal requires a carefully constructed plan for its achievement. In your paper , its suggested that you construct a “plan” for earning your degree. That is, a list – term by term until you graduate – of the courses you will take to complete the degree.

Two issues may arise:

  • “I don’t know what I want to major in.” Okay. It doesn’t matter; this is about the process.

Choose a major, knowing that you can change your mind tomorrow if you desire.

  • “I don’t know what courses I have to take.” That’s why we’re doing this. Plans are essential in ensuring we don’t overlook or forget important consideration. In finding out what you have to do, you are well along the way getting it done.

My Plan Term by Term is as follows:

Currently I am enrolled at Santa Fe Community College in Gainesville, Florida

FALL2017 – Graduate with A.A. DEGREE 1030 BUS ADMIN fromSantafe                  

MAC2233 – Survey of Calculus

ECO2013 – Macro-Economics

PSC2121 – Physical Science

PLAN (continued)


SPRING 2018 – Transfer to UF – University of Florida

BUL 4310 The Legal Enviroment of Business

FIN 3403 Business Finance

GEB 3373 International Business

Man 3025 Principles of Management


MAN 4504 Operations & Supply Chain Management

MAR 3023 Principles of Marketing

FALL 2018

QMB 3250 Statistics for Business Decisions

ECO 3713 International Macroeconomics

ENT 3003 Principles of Entrepreneurship

MAN 4723 Strategic Management

MAR 3231 Intro to Retailing Systems & Management


REE 3043 Real Estate Analysis

ISM 3004 Computing in the Business Enviroment

GEB 3035 Effective Career Management in Business

GEB 3219 Writing and Speaking in Business



WATCH Choices 4 – A Plan:


Most of what you will recall about your college days will not occur in the classroom. And – probably – most of what will really affect your life will not occur there either!

This last section of the paper asks you to evaluate how you do and how you should spend your time outside of the classroom. This is some of the most valuable time in your life, with special and unique opportunities.

What sorts of things you can be doing; more important, how the use of one of your scarcest resources – time – will determine your happiness not only in college but throughout your life.

For example, are you fully aware that college is not the end of your learning experiences, but the beginning? In today’s world, if you are not continually learning – adding to your storage bank of knowledge, skills, and abilities – you are probably falling behind.

If there is a single leverage point in your life with tremendous potential, it is how you spend your time. Maximum use of your personal – and scarce – resources.

WATCH Choices 5 – Extracurricular:

Instructions for the Choices Paper:

Using the discussion and steps above and reviewing John Spence example in the Youtube video in Choices 5 – Extracurricular, and you can view John Spence info at

create your own statement of the above issues in a paper, approximately 5 – 8 pages long. For each value, define it in your own terms and give an example of it. Your specific plan may be your academic plan (courses to take, term by term until you graduate), or any other goal you have set. Be specific, showing a time-line you will follow. Likewise be as descriptive as possible in the “vision” section – where you live, … as much descriptive detail as possible, set in a time about two years after you finish college. Include pictures if you like.

Beware of excessive – typographical, spelling, syntax, grammar, and the like.

You must Watch the following YouTube Videos on the Choice Paper before writing the paper!!!!!!

Choices 1 – Values

Choices 2 – Vision

Choices 3 – Goals

Choices 4 – A Plan

Choices 5 – Extracurricular


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