Topic: applyin’g for a job as a case manager at REALITY HOUSE
Paper instructions:
Describe skills, training, or experience related to the position that you are applying for:
Provide any volunteer/internship experience:
If you have had gaps of unemployment, explain those gaps:
If applying for a part time position, please list hours of availability:
Please describe what you believe Reality House Programs to be and the way you see the position you are applying for to fit into the organization:
How do you anticipate your demeanor will be with people who have been convicted of criminal behavior?
If hired, what type of relationship do you anticipate having with current or past participants of Reality House Programs?
The mission of Reality House Programs, Inc. is to provide a broad continuum of community corrections in the least restrictive and most productive environment; while remaining true to our core philosophy of helping to maintain the rehabilitative focus of our participants, offering accountability to our courts, providing safety for our community, and seeking retribution for the victims of crime.
We believe in a prosperous future for participants who commit to a future free of substance abuse & crime.
Our strategy to fulfill our mission is grounded in the principles outlined by the Missouri Reentry Process (restated herein):
? Our participants can change and be productive citizens;
? The reentry process begins when the participant first enters the institution or seeks help;
? Reality House Programs, Inc. will help to ensure that there is seamless continuum of services for the participant coming from prison or other agency;
? Participants must remain sober and live in an environment that teaches sobriety;
? Participants must receive training, education, and treatment to help them be better prepared for the transition into the community;
? Participants must meet their obligations to their children to help reduce the intergenerational cycle of crime;
? Employment is an important element in ensuring that the participant remains stable;
? Ensure Faith-based and/or Family support elements in ensuring the participant’s future ability to reintegrate into the community;
? Participants must have help to access to healthcare services;
? Reality House Programs, Inc. must endeavor to enforce restitution for, and input from, the victims of crime.
This mission statement is reviewed by the corporate board of directors annually and updated as neede
Reality House was founded 42 years ago, in 1970, with a more limited role than today: it was to provide local judges, for the first time, with an alternative sentencing option for first time offenders.
At the time, circuit judges could send these convicted offenders to prison, usually the state penitentiary, or back onto the streets in the care of probation officers. Using federal money provided under the Law Enforcement Assistance Act, our local LEAA committee researched and established Reality House based on a fledgling experiment in Minnesota. One of our current Board of Director member, Hank Waters, states that one of the most interesting and rewarding experiences of his civic life was service on the LEAA committee under the chairmanship of Judge Frank Conley and subsequently as a founding member of the Reality House board, a position he says he is “pleased to occupy to this day”.
With fragile funding and the challenge of selling their dream to judges, state legislators and other public officials in lawmaking and criminal corrections fields, Reality House began to do good work and gradually proved its worth. For the first time, judges had a better option for many of the fledgling criminals they had to sentence and public budget makers found good reason to provide funding as part of their corrections budgets.
The judge could sentence the first-time offender to probation with an initial experience at Reality House, where serious rules were in effect and heavy-duty Reality Therapy counseling occurred. A fact of criminal life is that most youthful first-time offenders were, and still are, afflicted with drug and alcohol problems. As Hank says, “The idea, of course, was to divert the burgeoning miscreant from a life of crime and into productive citizenship.”
The idea proved successful. The original role continues, and Reality House since has evolved to fill a continuum of criminal justice system and treatment programming.
The original dream, still being worked out today, was to take care of local criminal offenders here at home instead of sending them off to dangerous environments, such as prison. It was believed then, as it is today, that it would save lives, save money, make society safer and allow judges to provide more humane, intelligent options for sentencing
At Reality House Programs, we believe people can change, and we provide the opportunity. We also believe in the importance of proving opportunities for the offender to interact with the community, while meeting their responsibilities and obligations to the criminal justice system and community.
Reality House Programs has an ethical responsibility to the participants and community it serves. Our program philosophy; through our mission, vision, and core approach; provides a consistent and ethical framework for our participant services and business practices. To support ethical operations and fair treatment of participants Reality House Programs operates according to a policy of ethical behavior. Our ethical practices serve to ensure that Reality House Programs, Inc. conducts its business, and participant care practices, in an honest, decent, and proper manner. Our core approach is fostering participant acceptance of self-responsibility and promoting a motivation to change.
Job Title: BOP Case Manager
Summary Job Description: The scope of BOP Case Manager’s responsibility shall include supervision of all participants and compliance with all governing contracts related to the corporation’s BOP program. Moreover, must maintain satisfactory rapport with the liaison officer assigned by the governing contractor to monitor said participants and contract requirements.
Key Areas of Responsibility:
• BOP Program Policies, Procedures, and Contract Compliance
• BOP Staff, Participant, and Referral Agency Relations
• BOP Participant Supervision
• BOP Resource Management
Requirements: Bachelor’s Degree. Law Enforcement, Drug/Mental Health Case Management or Counseling, Social Services, Judiciary background.
Salary: Commensurate with experience and credentials.