Order instructions
Analyze strategies and techniques for human resource management, talent development, and staff recruitment and retention. Based on your research, write a paper in which you:
- Analyze evidence-based best practices for human resource management used in creating an employee-centered organization as those best practices relate to the organization’s vision, mission, culture, and strategy.
- Analyze best practices and expectations for accountability in human resource management and talent development in health care organizations.
- Explain how enforcing accountability can help an organization achieve established goals and challenge the status quo.
- Propose leadership strategies to achieve organizational human resources goals and challenge the status quo.
- Propose interventions to promote collaboration and goal attainment.
- Describe how the use of professionalism in one’s skills and abilities as a leader impact effective talent development and employee retention.
- Explain how professionalism helps an organization achieve established goals and challenge the status quo.
Submission Requirements
- APA formatting 4-6 pages
- Number of resources: Minimum of seven resources, four of which must come from peer-reviewed sources.
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