Continuous Quality Improvement Application Project

Topic: Continuous Quality Improvement Application Project

Order Description
The objective of this project is to develop a proposal for a process improvement project. The project area selected for process improvement should reflect the application of the doctor of nursing practice role (DNP role) related to a real-time problem in a nursing work setting.
Project Components:

1. Introduction to the clinical problem/clinical quality issue. (quality of care for inpatient eating disorder patients and patient satisfaction and the need for specialized knowledge with regard to eating disorders on behalf of the nurse) I want to emphasize the importance and implement a specialized training for nurses working with eating disorder patients, as this will increase the quality of their treatment and improve the outcome of their treatment. The problem is a lack of specialized training/need for specialized training of nurses who work with eating disorder patients. Also nurses will have increased job satisfaction and experience less frustration when working with this population when they have proper education related to this population.

2. Introduction to the organization (Renowned psychiatric hospital that specialized in eating disorder treatment). Does the problem involve a team? (Yes, the eating disorder treatment team composed of psychiatrists, dietitians, DNP, nurses, social workers, medical doctor, but the intervention is directed at the nurses). What is the role of the DNP (leader) prepared nurse in this process? How does this issue impact the customer (patient) internal or external?

3. Root cause analysis of the problem-Why is this a problem? Identify the struture and or/process components that contribute to the problem. (We do not currently have specialized training for the nurses and the nurses lack mentors. This needs to be measured initially, but I think job satisfaction is low and will increase with increased knowledge and so will patient satisfaction scores. There is also a general lack of specialty training in educational programs at universities.)

4. Summarize the data sources that you will need to consult to evaluate the problem/issue. What other data do you need to collect? What terms need to be operationally defined for the data collection process? How will the data need to be organized? Is there a specific sequence that needs to be followed? PLAN DO STUDY ACT MODEL

5. Describe the pattern barriers and facilitators that exist in the organization that may impact the process improvement process and potential problem resolution (similar to barriers and facilitators to evidence-based practice).
6. What are the proposed best solutions to improve the process and rationale? What is the desired patient outcome? What targets/benchmarks are you recommending? Describe the action strategies to implement to improve the process, include a basic timeline, and describe the roles of the team members.

7. Briefly describe a plan for implementation of the action/strategies to implement to improve the process. Describe what QI tools and processes you would use. Include a basic timeline and describe the roles of the team members. What is the role of the DNP prepared nurse in the implementation and evaluation processes? Include how the project team will assess for gains an determine if any changes are effective overtime.

8. Project summary

9. Conclusions

This article link is very helpful:

Hughes, R.G. Chapter 44 Tools and Strategies for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety. Retrieved from:
Please request articles (I plan to upload some in the next few days, but notify me if you need any sooner-most must be 2009 or later in date) from me and ask me any questions that you need that pertain to my organization that will help you write this.


holidays&celebrations of first native

holidays&celebrations of first native in canada
Study Books Used in Class:
Description: Hi
i would like you to write Research paper proposal about holidays&celebrations of first native in canada with school level keep it sample don’t use difficult vocabulary because my native language Arabic not English please use online rescuers only with MLA style
later by next week i would like you to write my research as well about same subject.

please take a look to outline and follow the instruction

Thank you

Assignment 2- Research paper proposal due
20 points

Write a proposal outlining what you plan to do for your major research paper. Discuss your chosen topic, what you plan to do and how you are going to proceed. Also include your ethics review and an annotated bibliography. The proposal should include a discussion on the tradition you would like to document, the identification of a primary informant, a brief (200-300 words) thesis statement defining the parameters of your project.

It should also indicate who you are going to interview, why, and how ( what questions you will start with). An annotated bibliography of no less than three sources: Take three items (articles or books) that you have come across in your library research, and, explain their basic position and why they are relevant to your research. You should be able to use
these sources to provide information on your topic.(You should consult a standard style guide – MLA, Turabian, etc. – for how to do a proper citation.)


The Over burdoned Employee

The Overburdoned Employee

Order type: Research Proposal

Annotated Bibliography Attached: Please Utilize



Curatorial Project


Topic: Curatorial Project

Order type: Research Proposal
Curatorial Project
General Description
The Curatorial Project is the cumulative project for the Art 122Y course and, as such, represents an opportunity for the student to present a synthesized evaluation of and response to the different issues, ideas, and thematic references explored in Art 122Y over the course of the semester and to demonstrate his or her general mastery of the overarching course learning outcomes.
The work complete for the Curatorial Project requires to assume the role of “curator” of an exhibition of contemporary works of art created after 1980. The exhibition will have a theme that focuses on an issue that affects contemporary U.S. culture. A curator is an individual who organizes an exhibition by selecting works and placing them within a particular context or arrangement so as to create some kind of meaning. Developing a context for an exhibition can include the use of thematic, conceptual, or formal approaches. Curators also write exhibition labels, essays for publications such as exhibition catalogs as well as other material that will enhance the audience’s experiences with the exhibition.
Activity Learning Objectives:
Successful completion of the Curatorial Project will demonstrate the student’s specific ability to:
??? interpret, assess, and evaluate the diversity and complexity of the
contemporary art world and its interrelationships with the world at large and express thoughts in written and visual form; an define, apply, and convey his / her understandings of and opinions about contemporary art in discipline-specific written conventions.
Project Task: Assuming the Role of “Curator” to Design an Exhibition
The task for this project is to take on the role of “curator” and to:
1. Design a thematic exhibition of contemporary American art or design and
2. Discuss how the different works in the exhibition relate to an issue that affect contemporary American society.
create and submit exhibition documentation in one of the following ways:
1. Submit the exhibition directly to the instructor in the form of a PDF document, PowerPoint presentation, or Microsoft Word(.doc) file. Projects submitted directly to the instructor will be done so via an ANGEL drop box.
Each student will choose an organizing theme or topic for his/her exhibition and decide how to organize the exhibition. Overarching exhibition themes are listed below and correspond with the course learning modules.Be sure to review the evaluation criteria to see how the number of works you present can impact the grade you earn. At least 4 of
the works selected must be ones not discussed at length in the course text.
Exhibition Themes: Identify one of the following as an overarching theme for exhibition. Then, within that, identify a specific issue or set of issues explored within that theme. For example, one might choose “The Body” as an overarching theme but the specific issue explored in the exhibition might be to examine the representation of how the “aging” body is represented in American visual culture (i.e., fine art, popular media, etc).
??? The Body
??? Time
Task List for the Curator: As the curator for exhibition, it will be responsible for completing the following tasks:
??? Gather Information about the works/artists:
o Names of artists or groups
o Media (or technologies) used in the work
o Dimensions (where applicable)
o Year of production
o Presentation/exhibition history
o Artists statements, descriptions
o Bibliography (reviews, interviews, etc.
o Screen shots or still images
o Audio or video clips


Micro finance/micro credit banks

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Format for research proposal.

– contents of the research proposal
– intro
– significance
– research statement/problem
– literature review
– imp definitions/concepts
-theoretical framework
– methods and methodology/justification
– analysis/data collection
– limitation of research



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Research Proposal-Thesis, Major, points,and plan. Persuasive writing paper.

1. Identify the topic selected and explain 2 reasons for using it.
2. Include a defensible, relevant thesis statement in the first paragraph
3. Describe 3 major characteristics of audience
4. Describe the paper’s scope and outline the major sections.
5.Identify and explain the questions to answered.
6.Explain your research plan, including the methods of researching and organizing research.
7.Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction,body,and conclusion.
8. Document at least 3 primary sources and 3 secondary sources.