Quick Software, Inc. is a software development company that annually hires a large number of software engineers, mathematicians, and administrative personnel. Each of these classifications of employees requires different qualifications. Software engineers need to have a background in computers and engineering principles, mathematicians need to have extensive course work in mathematics, and administrative personnel need a variety of skills, ranging from accounting to marketing to management. To fill these positions, Quick periodically conducts interview sessions at State University of Science and Engineering, which has a national reputation for producing quality engineers and scientists. Approximately, 80% of the graduates from State University are male. Are there potential issues with the way that Quick recruits new employees? What steps might Quick take to remedy issues with its recruiting practices? Your response should be a minimum of 200 words in length.
The Electronic Era and Postmodernism
Topic: The Electronic Era and Postmodernism
Read: The Electronic Era and Postmodernism by Margot Lovejoy
Postmodernism Goals for reading reflection: How dada, surrealism and fluxus lead the way into postmodernism. Shift to conceptual interests. Dematerialization and conceptual art. Video, kinetic, and performance art. Collaboration between artists and scientists. Lack of critique of technology. The Art and Technology exhibition and three categories of work shown. Photography and Walter Benjamin’s notion of authentic aura. Feminism. Postmodern characteristics. Channel surfing leads to web surfing. Mediated reality (this is a central theme of this course). Increased public interaction with art. Collectives of artists and collaboration and Group Material. Use of popular media and the art world.
here the link to the reading
Partial discharge detection using software defined radio (SDR)
Reasearch Paper Draft 2
you will take Draft 1 (review of literature), written in Unit IV, and write an introduction to your final Research Paper that sets the context for your project, establishes your argument, asserts your thesis, and allows for an easy transition from your review of literature. Your Draft 2 should include the elements listed below.
The grade of your second draft is largely based on your inclusion of these elements and the overall quality of your writing. Your Draft 2 must contain the following elements.
1. Cover page and APA formatting:
You should include an APA-style cover page for your Research Paper Draft 2. Your cover page should include the following: the title of your paper, your name, and the name of your university (Columbia Southern University). The running head should include up to 50 characters from the title of the paper, along with a sequential page number in the upper right-hand corner.
2. Introduction:
Draft and revise an introduction to come before your revised review of literature.
3. Review of literature:
Using the comments that you received on your Draft 1, revise your review of literature, and include it with Draft 2.
4. References:
Include a references list as the last page of the paper. All entries are those that have been cited in the text. No others are to be included. No textbooks should be included on the references list.
You have a good start with your draft. However, I would recommend that you spend some time with your revision. Remember that transforming your first draft into a final draft can be a challenging process. The following questions may guide you as you decide what and how to revise. Questions to Ask Yourself THE INTRODUCTION 1. Do I catch the reader’s interest, provide relevant background, and narrow the topic into a thesis sentence? Does the thesis encompass all of my key ideas? Can I underline the thesis to make sure that it is clearly stated? Do I need to adjust the thesis–either broaden or narrow it? THE REVIEW 2. Have I clearly organized my paragraphs, using one main idea per paragraph? Have I included a topic sentence to introduce the main idea for each paragraph? Do I need to adjust any topic sentences in any way? 3. Have I used transitions as links back to the thesis and to preceding paragraphs? 4. Does my argument: • have a clear structure? (Can I easily outline it? Can someone else?) • develop in the most logical order? Would a different organization be more effective? • respond in sufficient depth to all aspects of the assignment? 5. Do I have enough evidence, or too much? Does my evidence advance the argument in some way, without repeating the same points? Does each sub-argument have enough explanation and support (quotations, detailed discussion of events or language,…)? 6. Do I explain in my own words the significance of all quotations? Am I using quotations to support my own analysis? Am I using the documentation method my professor requires? THE CONCLUSION 7. Does my conclusion bring my argument to a close? Does it tie the argument together in such a way that the reader knows my purpose in writing this paper? Does it accomplish more, such as provide a broader context for the topic, propose a course of action, offer a new perspective on the topic, or end with an interesting twist? Do I leave my reader with something to ponder? Remember, this class is not about “fixing” one paper, but it is instead about giving you the tools to create a solid writing process. You should use these questions to craft a stronger text while crafting a stronger awareness about writing.
The use of Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC) management in the customs and border environment. How can we get there? The case of Oman Customs.
Topic: The use of Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC) management in the customs and border environment. How can we get there? The case of Oman Customs.
Referencing Author-Date Style (eg. Harvard Style) and Numerical/Footnoting Systems (eg. legal citation style).
I will upload the research proposal and the progress report along with other recommended references
For the customs clearance and legal methodology you can check Dubai website ‘coz we share the same law and regulations. the project in the research paper should be comprehensive and covering all GRC aspects in the public sector and I think the proposal and progress report will show all the areas to cover.
20% Response Paper 2 – A Response Paper is a short critical essay of no longer than 1000 words (or about 4 double spaced pages) that constructs a critical analysis of a particular reading. Response Paper 2 must engages any aspect of Hart�s notion of primary and secondary rules as discussed in Chapter 5 and 6 of his book
Chapter 5 and 6 concept of Law
Critical Analysis of Ideas from Prescribed Readings
This assignment is for “Changing Context of Class Work”. The paper is about critical analysis on articles which are prescribed readings. Identify and discuss the key ideas and arguments addressed in each article, evaluate them and reflect on their meaning in the context of current work practices. Each article should be analyzed in 200 words. For the final part, discuss the connections of ideas drawing on what you have learnt from each article and extending this to changing work trends (also 200 words).
Topic: Response Paper
Linguistics Movie and response paper
Cooperative Principle: Choose one of the 4 maxims of the cooperative principle (quantity, relevance, manner, or quality) and break it with at least 3 different people (family members, friends, etc.) who do not know you are purposely violating a maxim. Immediately after the conversations, write down each person’s response to your violation. For example, if you violate the maxim of relevance by announcing your love of baseball while watching the Packers game, you may receive strange looks, follow-up questions regarding your knowledge of sports, or other-initiated repairs such as “you mean football?” Then, provide a 2-3 page response paper that includes the maxim you broke, a brief description of how you broke it, the reactions of at least 3 people to the violation, and the significance of the maxim on maintaining successful communication. (You are encouraged to discuss your experiment with your participants after you have written down their reactions.)
Organizational Theories Response
Write a response in which you identify the major organizational theories associated with policing. Include your opinion about which theory best serves police organizations. Use these documents as references; Grant, H. B., & Terry, K. J. (2008). Law enforcement in the 21st century (2nd ed).Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Walker, S., & Katz, C. M. (2011). The police in America: An introduction (7th ed.).New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.