Please take a look at the attached files and instruction. There will be a spreadsheet which I did already did, so use the internal/external analysis data in Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix (IFEM)–Main Matrix A and External Factor Evaluation Matrix (EFEM)–Main Matrix A and if you want to add more stuff to it feel free and ignore Matrix B and C in both Internal/External so keep them empty. There will be also an Article about Wal-Mart which the case will be on, sample Paper, financial ratio handbook and Major/Minor Giudelines. Please also keep the format of the paper exactly like the one I sent you as far as organization: heading, Bullet Points etc… as my professor is really picky. Let me know if you have any questions. and please try to finish it as soon as you can. Please also keep in mind that I want you to make it 5 pages without the cover memo, so total of 6 pages with the cover memo. The cover memo should be done last and its given to so just do the adjustment you need to it.