Topic: Expanding George’s Gyms v2
someone who has knowledge about marketing project management in “Project Microsoft”
The one who is going to write this assignment must know all about “project Microsoft” and developing a marketing project management plan for.
It all about, adding holiday to the program and levelling with slack and levelling without slack. the is an expected result to get.
YOU MUST PROVIDE: 4 copies from the project Microsoft:
1- original copy
2- copy with adding holidays to system in given time period. ( you should find the holiday days in Victoria Australian)
3- copy with ( levelling with slack)
4- copy with ( levelling without slack)
all 4 copies must be zoomed out from Project Microsoft program. ( the want to see and read how the work been done.
TO BE CLEAR: the whole task is all about how to use this program and how to provide solution. ( when to do clash to meet the day ).
To give you an idea the end result of the project after levelling without slack must change into 196 Days. and starting day will be 3/3/2015 and ending day should be 1/12/2015
To give you an idea the end result of the project after levelling without slack must change into 196 Days. and starting day will be 3/3/2015 and ending day should be 1/12/2015
I will upload the case study ( you find the assessment task at the end of the case study and you will do “”component 3 “) my draft, the case study rubric ( Case Study Marking Guide).
I have done half of the project ” component 1 ” i write about 1000 words, so read the case and make the necessary changes, and build in it with “component 3”.
what you have to do in component 3 is in the case study page.