The quality of reflections on the group functioning

Management of Change and Organisational Development


Write an essay addressing the following topic.

Consider your experience over the semester as a member of your project team. What has worked well? What has not been so satisfactory or effective? Evaluate the development and functioning of your group / team according to the relevant theories and models of team functioning and development that you have encountered in class or in your reading (of the text and other change management literature). On the basis of your reading and reflection, what would you do differently, given this experience, to enhance the performance of the group and the satisfaction of its members?

Remember to present your essay with an appropriate title page, abstract and reference list. You must go beyond the prescribed text and cite at least six other sources from the management of change literature in the course of writing your essay. Only include in your reference list those items you have cited.

Assessment will be in terms of:
• The quality of reflections on the group functioning
• The application of theoretical models to the group functioning
• Development of logical and well supported arguments
• Clarity of expression, structure and referencing.

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