Negotiation Report

To encourage you to think about the many everyday opportunities you have to negotiate, and to improve your negotiation skills further, you are asked to go out and negotiate a deal.On a specific duration of time you must engage in a negotiation for a good or service and submit a written report. There are three rules for this assignment:

1. You must negotiate at least some portion of it in person (i.e. face to face). You may not conduct the entire negotiation over the phone or email.

2. You may not tell the person you are negotiating with that this is for a class project until the negotiation is complete (after which you can decide whether or not you want to tell them this).

3. You must follow through with the transaction if the other party meets your target price (i.e. you must negotiate “in good faith”).

For the assignment, you will submit an analysis of the negotiation that includes two sections: a planning section and a post-negotiation analysis. The planning section should include your aspiration point, your reservation price, your BATNA, and your planned negotiation strategy (efforts to shape the process, to improve your BATNA, your planned persuasive moves, power moves, rapport-building moves, concession pattern, etc.). The post negotiation analysis should describe the events of the negotiation and your assessment of the negotiation outcome, your perception of the strategies you used successfully and unsuccessfully, your assessment of the strategies used by your counterparty, what you learned from the negotiation, and what you would do differently in the future. Consider including 3-4 citations (parenthetical or footnoted) from relevant course readings. The final paper should be 4-6 pages, double-spaced.

You will be graded on: 1) the thoroughness of your negotiation preparation, 2) the quality (appropriateness and intention; be sure to explain the rationale) of your negotiation strategy, and 3) the rigor of your post-negotiation analysis.