Health sciences and medicine
Use the Final Paper Template with Prompt Questions below to help navigate the sections of your paper.
I. Introduction
A. What are you going to do?
1. Name your health topic (i.e., disease, behavior change, prevention strategy).
2. Describe your population (e.g., gender, culture, age, geographic region).
3. Identify your methodology.
B. Briefly describe how you are going to do it.
C. What is the intended outcome?
II. Literature Review
A. Health Topic:
1. What has already been done to address this health topic?
2. What were the outcomes or authors’ conclusions?
3. What could be done to improve the program?
B. Populations:
1. What population (s) has been part of such programs?
2. Is there a trend in population(s) used for such programs (i.e., are the studies and programs that currently exist on your health topic specifically focused on a particular population)?
3. What are the common denominators of the populations targeted for such programs?
C. Methodology
1. What methodology has been used to implement/study these programs?
2. Is there a common or more popular methodology that has been used?
3. Are there significant differences in the outcomes of these programs with different methodologies? Same methodologies?
III. Methodology
A. Describe the method you plan to use with your program (much of this will be based on your evaluation method)
1. Formal Designs:
a. Pre-Experimental Designs (no random selection of participants, you find the groups in advance of the program)
? One-Shot Case Study (program implemented — post-test given)
? One Group Pretest-Post-test Design (pretest given — program implemented — post-test given)
? Static Group Comparison (program implemented — post-test given to program group and a non-program group for comparison)
b. True Experimental Designs (random group selection)
? Pretest-Post-test Control Group Design (test two groups, program implemented to one group, post-test both groups again)
? Post-test-Only Control Group Design (program implemented — post-test given to program group and a non-program group for comparison)
? Within-Subjects Design (one group, implement program, test for outcomes, continue program for a time, retest for outcomes)
? Other Design from Applied Social Research
2. Non-Formalized Designs
a. Many programs are not designed in a formal nature, but can still be successful. If you have found such a format as studied in the literature, describe it here.
B. Population Description
1. Who are you targeting?
2. How will you find them?
3. How will you get them to participate?
C. Evaluation Method
1. Measuring success
a. Questionnaires/Surveys – open-ended (qualitative) or closed-ended (quantitative)
b. Change in behaviors – witnessed changes (e.g., quitting smoking, increasing physical activity, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, eating more fruits and vegetables)
c. Health improvements – (e.g., lower blood pressure, lower BMI, increased physical activity, lower cholesterol, reduced risk of cancer, reduced cardiovascular disease)
2. State the specific evaluation: process, content, outcome, impact, program (this will be highly based upon the goals of the program)
IV. Program Design and Description
A. Describe in detail what you plan to do.
B. What model was used to design the program (e.g., MATCH, PROCEED-PRECEDE)?
C. What is involved with the program?
D. How are you going to obtain your population for the program?
E. What does your population have to do, report, participate in?
F. Name, any, incentives associated with the program.
G. What is the length of the program (timeline)?
H. Is there a plan for sustainability?
I. What are the ethical considerations for this program?
J. What is the cost (personnel, supplies, time)?
K. How will you measure success (evaluation)?
V. Discussion
A. What are the potential factors that could limit program implementation?
B. What could negatively affect the program outcome?
C. What procedure will be used to determine revision or elimination?
D. What factors can promote program sustainability, if determined probable?
VI. Conclusion
A. How will this program effect change in health and wellness?
B. Is this program replicable in other communities, other populations? Why or why not?
C. What final thoughts do you have encouraging your program to be supported and used?
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