Define the term ‘hero’ and produce a public figure that matches those criteria.

For this essay, you will be required to develop and defend a significantly expanded definition for either ‘hero’ or ‘villain’. As we have discussed in class, this is not an easy task and it requires careful thought and consideration. Also, we have established the importance of context in determining a reasonable definition for both of these terms, so your response must be limited to a public, reasonably contemporary context.
In selecting your particular individual, I am granting you significant latitude, so that your relevant interests can be utilized to develop a strong case. That being stated, your particular individual must be approved by me before the first draft of your paper is completed. This will ensure that you have selected a figure that will be compatible with our assignment and it will give me an opportunity to help guide your research in a productive direction. Your particular individual may be fictional, but I strongly suggest that you consider an actual person first, as the investigation may be much easier than with a fictional character with very limited moments of action.

Your essay must respond to one of the four following organizational frames:

1. Define the term ‘hero’ and produce a public figure that matches those criteria.
This will involve the establishment of reasonable criteria, a careful analysis of the public figure, and a defense of both the definition and the public figure that matches those criteria.

2. Define the term ‘villain’ and produce a public figure that matches those criteria.
This will involve the establishment of reasonable criteria, a careful analysis of the public figure, and a defense of both the definition and the public figure that matches those criteria.

3. Define the term ‘hero’ and produce a public figure who has been defined as a hero, but does not match your criteria.
This will involve adapting a definition to include new criteria that excludes the selected public figure from that definition, as well as a defense of the adapted definition and the public figure that has been reevaluated in light of the new criteria.

4. Define the term ‘villain’ and produce a public figure who has been defined as a villain, but does not match your criteria.
This will involve adapting a definition to include new criteria that excludes the selected public figure from that definition, as well as a defense of the adapted definition and the public figure that has been reevaluated in light of the new criteria.

Your paper must include the following elements:
Use of the Toulmin System (to organize your argument)
Use of either an Aristotelian or an Operational definition model (to provide a sound definition)
Proper MLA format (to ensure clarity of format)
5-6 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, 12 pt. (to meet production expectations fairly)
3 or more sources, including background, rival definitions, etc.

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