Paper Criteria:
1. Complete paper by the specified date.
2. See page requirements for each paper assignment
3. Each report should be carefully proofread and demonstrate competence in written communication.
4. Write a 2-3 page typed paper
5. Use APA/MLA format for writing reports.
6. Provide a reference page for your sources
Standard format for reflection papers: “Standard format” for reflection papers in this course shall refer to the following criteria:
• name+date+course#+ # of revisions at the top of the first page,
• typed, double-spaced,
• paginated when pages exceed two,
• bold and/or underlined headers as organizers for the themes within the paper,
• reference section on the last page (if other sources are cited within the paper’s text), and
• 1” to 1 ½” margins.
• Font size should be 12 point, and the style should be something readable, preferably Time New Roman, Courier or Arial.
• Cite all sources using appropriate APA/MLA style
Below you will find 5 possible options from which you will select one assignment to complete for the course. At the conclusion of the experience you will write a 2-3 page paper. Read each cultural experience carefully for what to incorporate in the content of your paper. You will need to consult different resources for background information. Use subheadings.
Option 1: Cultural Interview: Interview an immigrant, sojourner or tourist from another culture face-to-face who is living in the United States. This person must NOT be a family member. Acceptable individuals would be friends of family members and co-workers. Consult additional resources to understand the cultural group before the interview takes place for background information.
A. Interview Questions: Where did you grow up? What surprises did you encounter when you came to the United States? What differences have you noticed between your home county and the United States since living in the US? How did you adjust when you came to the United States (list the ways with explanation)? How are relationships different with parents, teachers, bosses in your home culture than in the United States?
B. Content of Paper: Incorporate these interview responses into your essay paper as (1) you summarize your own cultural background, (2) describe a specific learning experience in which you learned a principle, understanding, miscommunication, internal conflict or new ideas and insights gained through this interview. (3) Also address the ways your values/beliefs were challenged or reinforced through this interview and (4) describe an intercultural theory or concept covered in class that related to what you learned or experienced through this interview.
Option 2: Co-culture Exploration: Visit an area of L.A. that is known as a gathering place for people from a distinct ethnic group (different than your own).
A. Research Preparation: Consult additional resources to help you understand the history of the geographic area you are visiting. Notice how you feel as a “foreigner” in that territory, the differences in communication you observe.
B. Content of Paper: Incorporate your cultural exploration experiences into your essay paper as you (1) summarize your cultural background, (2) describe a specific learning experience in which you learned a principle, understanding, miscommunication, internal conflict or new insight or ideas gained through this exploration. (3) Also address the ways your values/beliefs were challenged or reinforced through this exploration and (4) describe an intercultural theory or concept covered in class that related to what you learned or experienced through this exploration (hint: culture shock