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Human beings encounter numerous germs that cause diseases every other day. Apparently each of the germs has the capability of making human being ill. The susceptibility to the diseases will always differ from one person to the other. While germs have been found to be the major causes of illnesses, they are not the sole causes of body complications. One other factor that does cause body instability is stress. The coping and the social support requisite for coping with stress determines the development of transeptal sicknesses. Chronic stress has been found to highly contribute to the contraction of illnesses
There is sufficient evidence that there exists a correlation between health and physical exercises. Though the extend of stress moderating effect is not dully established, the shear fact that health can depend on the frequency of physical exercise shows that health challenges can be addressed through physical exercises. Ament & Verkerke (Ament & Verkerke, 2009, p 201) argue that physical exercises emerge as a relatively effective buffer for stress with the least side effect and the easiest therapy with minimum costs. While there is not much investigation that t has been undertaken on the aspect, social research shows that persons who are engaged in physical activities have lower chances of being devastated by stress.
Studies have shown that people who more frequently engage in exercises exhibit low health complications. Overall, studies have underscored exercises as a pertinent health resource. Though it needs to be formally appreciated that more research is required to unravel the relationship in scientific and empirical terms, this would suffice the role of exercise as buffers of stress and preventive therapies for stress.
Timmons & Raha (Timmons and Raha 2008, p 419) states that stressful events through life have a large contribution to the exposure of individuals to some viruses. Common cold viruses have been largely associated with stress and that common cold would easily be gotten rid through the use of physical exercises. Psychological stress has also been found to increase the susceptibility to agents of infections. In additions such stressful cases were found to go hand in hand with cold catching.
It is also of great import to note that stress and illnesses have been found to be mediated by a distinct biological process. Østergård, T., et al (Østergård, T., et al, 2006, 999) states that the susceptibility to illnesses has been found to be equally influenced by the type of personality that the stressed person would be harbouring. Introverted persons tend to show their stress physically, more than the extroverts. Hence the physical involvement and activity of the introverts will try to reduce the effect of their stress and therefore their health.
It is presently acknowledge able that many diseases of physical orient have very close relationships with stressful experiences o may be exacerbated by stressful experiences. Today stress reduction has become one of the major therapies that run through the treatment of most of the diseases. This has been evidenced through the efforts being made even by insurance companies in trying to sponsor programmes that can assist in the reduction of stress.
Psychoneuroimmunology, according to (Schnohr, et al, 2006, p 82) is taking root in the medical cycles because of the numerous insurmountable ailments that have been found to respond to physical exercises. Stress relief and reduction forms the core of the study. The immune system has been found to respond. While the physiotherapists term the relationship between stress and physical well being as casual, emerging studies are finding the relationship immense. People who are stressed according to studies take long to have their wounds healed than those who have no stress.
Stress has been found to be only managed and not treated. It is the proper utilization of the fundamental coping mechanisms that is seen to pay sufficient dividend towards the healing process. Prayer has been found to be an effective stress buffer. However, relaxation through yoga and meditation can offer the best therapy for buffering stress. Johnson-Kozlow et al (Johnson-Kozlow et al 2004, p 482) says that leisurely activities and the engagement in personal hobbies can also be used in the reduction of stress. Altogether, it is evident that stress would impede the efficacy in the functioning of the body and hence hamper the physical wellness of an individual.
There is however no clear cut correlation between illness and life events. Personalities also fall in to double up towards the effect of illness on an individual’s, yet the same personality determines to a large extend the capability of the management of stress. Research shows that melancholic are capable to a large extend to manage stressful experiences than phlegmatic persons. According to Ensel & Lin (Ensel & Lin, 2004, p 89) sociable persons particularly extraverts have been found to recuperate relatively first because they tend to exhibit stress-free traits. Subsequent to the foregoing, research suggests that extraversions will allow fewer cases of ailments compared to introverts. This is because the extroverts release their stress relatively first and therefore remain free of stress and only need to cope with ailment other than the introverts have to cope with stresses and fight ailments at the same time because they keep their stressful states to themselves.
According to Cohen (Cohen, p 140) the persistence of stress reduces the activity of sympathetic nerves. The epinephrine is also reduced within the body system coupled with increase in the production of the corticosteroid. If this trend continues for a longer time some of the bodily resources can break down and therefore making the physical wellbeing ravaged. Stressful traumatic events can some times trigger biological and behavioural body process that contributes diseases contraction.
Shaffer & Merrens (Shaffer & Merrens, 2004, p 199) asserts that the perception of individuals has been found to contribute immensely to the stressful states of an individual according to research perception of stressful unfolding has been found to contribute to the healing of an individual. Similarly individuals who are stressed have been found to develop poor eating habits which imply that such persons do not have sufficient energy in their bodies to fight ailments. Besides, according to Hochman, (Hochman, 2008, p 192) the perception that one will encounter some bad experiences makes an individual to have a lot adrenaline release which double up the body illness healing prospect.
Stressed persons have been found to hardly think about their wellbeing. Given that healing from sickness is equally psychological, it becomes imperative that to increase the rate at which one recuperates, he has to have psychological calm and peace of mind. (Gerber & Puhse, 2009, p 819) argues that once one find some time for stress relief the recuperation path becomes smooth and fast. Within this argument it becomes utterly relevant that any one who is stressed finds some peace of mind that is incidental for the invalid of the convalescent to recuperate faster. Overall, it is becoming near common knowledge that extensive stress impede physical wellness.
Casey & Tkaczyk (Casey, S., Tkaczyk, 2004, p 168) argues that coping with life challenges such as sickness becomes complicated when the person that is afflicted has stress. Physical wellbeing encourages the stressed person to have hope replete of the cause of the stress the invalid would be undergoing. Athletes have been found to be less susceptible to disease than persons who work in offices. Research carried out on athletes showed that there were less stress afflicted and hardly fell ill. During their practice session, the research reveals that they tend to forget their stressful experiences.
The feeling of being unwell according to Shaffer & Merrens (Shaffer & Merrens, 2004, p 199) makes the persons even more stressed. Hence the physical well being of the persons makes it easier for the person to deal with the stresses. The cardiovascular endurance of the body and the body aerobic fitness has an immense role in the relieving of stress. (Roddenberry & Renk 2010, p 361) asserts that during physical exercises the cardiovascular capability of the body is enhanced and therefore making it relatively easier to deal with stress. The stress can be managed through ensuring that one is very busy and dully involved in some rigorous activity that can’t allow much attention to the stressful experiences. If this is sustained for a long time it is possible the stressful encounter can be forgotten and therefore contributing to the well being of the patient or the stressed person.
Physical well being according to Cohen (Cohen, p 137) is not only psychological but it is also very physical. Where the psyche feels unwell, it becomes imperative that it could take sometime to attain the requisite well being. Stress within this context tends to impede the psychological aspect of being well. It is also found to be fundamentally importance that the physical exercises are done in social groups to assist in the recuperation and forgetting the stressful encounters. Persons who are stressed readily get over the stresses when they interact with people who are stress-free during physical exercises.
In conclusion stress contributes to the physical well being of an individual. It is therefore imperative that in sustaining the well being of an individual one has to ensure that stress is absence or reduced to a level that is health supportive. Other factor such as personality is vital in the management of the stress state of persons and should be dully understood to assist in the control or the management of stress. Within the strength of the foregoing, it is evident that though there isn’t much scientific research on the matter, stress has a lot of influence on the physical well being of a person.