Play Therapy

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The interaction between a child and trained therapist with an aim of relieving harbored or distressful feelings in a systematic process defines play therapy. The major tenets of play therapy are relationship (making the child feel accepted) release, (catharsis release is used), recreation (exploration of important events that cause pleasant feelings), re experiencing (linking past events and connecting it with current behavior) and resolving (acting on the understanding of acquired therapy) (Henderson and Thompson, pp 567).

When the Helen a five year old girl walked into the room it was evident that she was in distress and fear. Her shy look indicated that she had gone through cruel upbringing and was never able to recover from the harsh life in her past. The therapist started by letting her sit down then gave her a big do. She does not pick it and stares blankly indicating no connection and interest of play. No indication of sensory and projective play. The lack of attachment shows that she lacks connection to play.

In another case I attempt to establish parent child interaction therapy. This therapy aims at eliminating behavior that is mutinous and aggressive from children. Conduct disorder in this case is rebellion while social learning theory is applicable. The theory mentioned is relevant in that it suggests parenting styles which result to good or bad conduct of the child. The sessions are weekly where I start by counseling parents on the importance of creating time to play with the child while ignoring negative attitudes and focusing on the positive behavior also referred to as a child directed interaction. They promise to set apart every Wednesday afternoon for play with their daughter. On the following sessions I instruct the parents to create and develop compliance rules also referred to as parent directed interaction. The following two weeks mark tremendous results with decline in the rebellious attitude and more compliance to set rules. Besides that I am able to achieve better communication, the child can freely release strong inhibited emotions and a strong relationship is build (Carroll, 2002).