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Prevalence of infertility in the U.S
An estimated 6.1 million American women between 15 to 44 years old have implication s of infertility following fecundity impairment as they failed to conceive in their lifetime. This constitutes an approximate of 10% of the females in the USA at the stated age brackets who experience difficulty in getting pregnancy. However, such impairments are not only in women. Approximately 18.1% of men in the US were diagnosed with infertility problems of which 13.1& had sperm or semen issues while 5.9% varicocele cases.
Demographic characteristics of women with impaired fecundity
About a third of the women above 35 years in age experience fertility problems. This is unlike those below 30 years as the chances of conceiving decline as they age. Awareness and education is also of effect since the informed people tend to practice to preserves their fertility as opposed to them who are not well informed of the same. Inaccessibility to health care services also contribute to high cases of infertility amongst the poor as it bars them from receiving good medical attention. High costs lead to poor health to the parents and their children. In the racial or ethnic lines, a study by Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults found that African American women were twice in infertility cases; an indication of their prevalence for the same.
Demographic characteristics of women receiving infertility treatment
The women receiving infertility treatment are mostly those who meet the costs. In fact, the stability of the economic status of their respective countries determines the rates and numbers at which they respond. In addition, their figures are further affected through improved diagnosis, effective treatment and availability of the service.
Gap between those in need of infertility treatment and those who actually receive it
The gap between those who need infertility treatment and those who receive it follows a number of factors which include financial capabilities, lack of insurance covers and available legal systems. The costs are expensive to some people who actually need them thereby making it difficult for them to receive infertility treatment maybe of long-term expenses. Lack of insurance coverage is also a factor that bars most couples from receiving infertility treatments in a number of states therefore making the gap between those who need the treatments and those who receive them wider. The policies that are in place do not fully address the challenges of infertility treatment and this is also a determinant in the receivership of infertility treatment.
Common causes of infertility among women
One of the common causes of infertility in women is chronic pelvic inflammatory disease which causes tubal scars and blockage of fallopian tube. Tobacco smoking contributes too to decline in conception, dysfunction of the ovulatory system and premature menopause. Obese conditions also lead to dysfunction of the menstrual and ovulatory systems alongside raising the chances of miscarriages, hence infertility.
Common causes of infertility among men
Amongst the common causes of infertility among men is the condition of varicocele which has been detected in about half of the inpatients turning up for surgery services and around two thirds among those visiting the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) in the US for male infertility. It is the enlargement of testicle veins causing heat that affect the sperms’ number and shape. Besides, hazards aligned to the environment and occupation is alleged to contribute to the reduced sperm quality. Tobacco smoking leads to low sperm quantity and density while overweight also impair reproduction fertility as it contributes to dysfunctions of ovulatory and menstrual systems.