Please finish all the writing for the dissertation. I have enclosed the previous files your convenience as follows:
1. The research proposal
2. Chapter 1 Introduction
3. Chapter 2 Literature Review
4. Chapter 3 Research Methodology
5. Questionnaire
6. model research structure
When you analyze the data, please consider on the objectives, conceptual framework and hypotheses that be set in the chapter 1, 2, and 3.
In this order, please do 4 things:
1. Add another 1,000 words for the chapter 2 literature review. This is for the purpose of linking the conceptual framework that you reviewed from the literature with the hypotheses that were set for this research.
2. Please revise chapter 3 for research design for updating of the data collection for 600 words. Any question that you want to know, please ask.
3. Write the chapter 4 and chapter 5 for issues and findings (around 2,000 words for each chapter, not including tables). Both chapters will be separated by:
– One key research question per chapter
– one main theme per chapter
– each chapter builds the argument
– emphasis of originality of findings & theoretical reflections.
4. Write the chapter 6 conclusion for 2,000 words. Please restatement review of findings with the contribution of knowledge. State the limitations of the research. And the suggestion for future research and policy implementation.
Thank you very much for all of these. Please feel free to contact me for any question. I seriously need to make all these done within 5 days.