Researched Ethical Argument about how it was unethical that the priests guilty of pedophilia were relocated to different congrations instead of being held liable for their actions


Researched Ethical Argument about how it was unethical that the priests guilty of pedophilia were relocated to different congrations instead of being held liable for their actions – Research Paper

For ethical argument focus on how the decisions made to relocate the priests and bishops that were guilty of pedophilia were transferred to other congregations instead of being made to resign.Have an annotated bibliography, outline, work cited page and copies of the 4 sources used.Paste the requirements of the paper for reference.

The Assignment: Compose a 4-6 page Researched Ethical Argument exploring the issue of justice surrounding a historical event. Support the ethical claim with 2-4 good reasons and fairly consider and respond to opposing views. There are many kinds of history, and almost any one of them might provide a suitable subject for this assignment: political history, economic history, religious history, intellectual history, military history, environmental history, literary history, art history, urban history, historical geography, etc. The number of potential historical subjects is infinite. Of course, your topic, whatever it is, must deal with the issue of justice (whether something is ethical or unethical, fair or unfair, just or unjust), and you must formulate a thesis that has to do with justice. Included with this assignment sheet is a list of ideas and, though it may seem quite long, it is really no more than a small sampling of the many topics you might choose for your historical essay. You may certainly come up with another topic on your own. For this paper, you may need to begin your research with generalized sources, such as encyclopedias, use the information that was found in an encyclopedia to direct , detailed academic sources. Encyclopedias are still unacceptable as cited sources in academic papers; therefore, don’t borrow in any way from an encyclopedia in the course of Ethical Argument.
Thesis Statement: (Historical event/policy/decision) was ethical/unethical because (reason one) , (reason two) , and (reason three) .

I. Provide Background Information on Your Historical Issue
• Give details concerning when this occurred and who was involved.
• Help the reader understand the historical context for the argument.

II. State Reason One: .
• Provide evidence (in the form of research or personal experience) to prove the validity of reason one.
• Remember that evidence must be explained/ developed for the reader.

III. State Reason Two: .
• Provide evidence (in the form of research or personal experience) to prove the validity of reason one.
• Remember that evidence must be explained/ developed for the reader.

IV. State Reason Three: .
• Provide evidence (in the form of research or personal experience) to prove the validity of reason one.
• Remember that evidence must be explained/ developed for the reader.

Other Elements of Ethical Argument

Introductory Paragraph: Begin with an introduction that grabs the reader’s attention, provides a bit of background and context, and clearly states the ethical thesis for this paper.

Opposing Views: Opposing views can be considered and responded to in many different areas of the paper.Decide when and where to handle them.Handle opposing views early in the paper, after the background information. It may be that there is an opposing view for each reason to state in the paper, or it may be that opposing views come from a completely different area and need to be handled in their own paragraph near the end of the paper.