Perform some in-depth research at an actual child care center. This will provide an excellent introduction to the issues involved in quality child care. In this activity, you’ll make firsthand observations of an early childhood education center in your area. You’ll use the detailed checklist, provided in this study guide, to evaluate the level of quality care provided by the center. Finally, you will complete a summary of your findings. It’s this summary that will be submitted as your project. If you’re already working in an early childhood education center, you can base your observations on your workplace.
Your written summary should be completed on a word processor or computer and should be doublespaced. If that isn’t possible, it should be neatly printed.
Use fictitious names when referring to the center, its staff, children, and parents. Your written summary should include the following:
1. In what ways does the center provide quality child care?
This part of your summary should describe the ways in which the program provides quality child care for each of the five sections in the checklist: caregivers, health and
safety, environment, activities, and guidance/discipline. Use the completed checklist and your notes for reference. Mention at least two specific examples of quality care for
each of the five sections of the checklist.
2. How do the caregivers support quality child care?
This part of your summary should describe the caregivers at the center. Give a fictitious first name for each teacher or caregiver, and indicate each person’s position at the center. Discuss the basic qualifications, training, education, and experience levels of each caregiver. Choose one of the caregivers whom you feel to be particularly effective, and write a description of that person’s teaching style or approach. Provide two specific examples of the teacher supporting quality care. You examples should be descriptions of specific incidents. The Epilogue section of your textbook contains such descriptions. Your descriptions don’t have to contain the same level of detail as those in the Epilogue, but you should describe specific incidents with specific details. For example, a child may……………………………
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