This is a persuasive paper on the death penalty in the US, in which
you argue either for or against a related policy recommendation. There
is a host of issues that you can select from: specific recommendations
for special populations of offenders (e.g. female, elderly,
handicapped), inmate rights, alternate forms of punishment, diversion,
electronic monitoring, probation, parole, prison-re-entry, etc. The
paper should be double spaced and use a12-point font and default
margins. Make an informed recommendation as the arguments will be
grounded in the contexts of philosophies of punishment (ie.
deterrence, retribution, incapacitation, etc), law and legal opinion,
and empirical research/scholarly work related to or applicable to the
policy implication.
The paper should begin with an Introduction that offers a reader the
scope and/or direction of the paper.
The introduction should include the following:
• a clear thesis statement of the policy recommendation
• the history of the death penalty and policy recommendation (For
example, how long has their been a debate regarding the death penalty?
What is the current state of the issues surrounding the death penalty?
Are you the first to make your policy recommendation? If not, who else
has made the same argument?)
And, each paper should end with a Conclusion that:
• reiterates the recommended policy
• places the recommendation in the appropriate context of the
philosophy of punishment, law and legal opinion, and empirical
The Paper should also clearly include
Statement of Policy Recommendation
• What is the issue you are researching?
• What is your policy recommendation?
Punishment Philosophies
• Which punishment philosophy is reflected in your position? Why?
Law and Legal Opinion………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
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