Statistics for Health Care Professionals-Workin​g with Excel

***** The writer must be comfortable working in Excel. This work is only done using excel.

******To complete data analysis for certain homework problems, you will need to use the Data Analysis Toolpak that can be added into Excel. Please follow the directions that to download the Analysis Toolpak.
*****It a challenge to complete this work on a MAC computer

******Create 1 Excel file to include all work problems per assignment.
 Formulas should be contained in the Excel cells when relevant (i.e. do not “write out” the work in Excel or place pictures of hand written work in Excel, use the Excel functions and capabilities).

 Create a new worksheet for each problem (a new tab in the 1 Excel file), or group of problems, and label the worksheet accordingly (e.g. “p23-Q1” for page 23, question 1).

*****I am not picky about how you label the individual problems; just make sure problems are clearly labeled.

*****For written answers, insert a text box into the Excel worksheet, and write in the text box.

*****All attach documents are important and provide supportive in completing this work, please open them