Methods (25%)
Criteria for considering studies for the review: (10)
1. types of studies
2. types of participants; key facilitators
3. types of interventions
4. types of outcomes
Searching strategy for identification of studies: (5)
1. electronic sources
2. other sources
Methods for data collection and analysis: (10)
1. selection of studies
2. data extraction and management
Results (25%)
Description of studies:
1. results of the search (15)
1a. Table 1: Included Studies: (a) title, author and reference; (b) assessment of
study quality: objectives, research design, validity: selection, attrition,
performance and detection biases/limitations; reliability; (c) sample size,
recruitment and selection, sampling method, allocation to groups; (d)
interventions; (e) outcomes (10)
1b. Table 2: Grading of Evidence (10)