Literary Research paper between 2 poems

* This is a Literary Research paper between 2 poems

*paraphrase in each paragraph.

*in text citation only needs authors last name, page or line number.

*find 3 points within the themes of both that maybe compared.

*What literary or poetic devices do the authors/poets use to illuminate the theme.

*Employ a datable topic and support your opinions with quotes and research.

*Use a minimum of 3 sources for each piece of fiction (total of six minimum)

*must be 800 words before quotations.

*The list to choose from below:

1.”Dulce et Decorum EST” by Wilford Owen,

2.”The charge of the light brigade” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

3.”Beat!Beat!Drums!” by Walt Whitman,

4. “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost,

5. “Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou,

*All are from “literature, An Introduction to Reading and Writing Tenth Edition” by Edgar V. Roberts this is also a source for work cited.