

Subject: English
The purpose of this assignment is to identify an ethical issue, analyze it from the perspective of all involved stockholders, and come to a decision you deem the most ethically appropriate.

Choose the area of major ethical issues you are most interested in: Choices are finance ethics, ethics of human resource management, production ethics, or sales/marketing ethics.
From within that major category, narrow it down to a particular ethical issue within that category. I listed a few for each category in the Ethics Powerpoint but there are others. You don’t have to pick one of mine. For links to various issues within the major categories go here (by the way, Wikipedia is a great place for basic introductory research-just don’t cite the Wiki page. Cite the source of Wikipedia’s information).
Once you have chosen a particular ethical issue from within the major categories, research to find a real life example of this. This shouldn’t be too hard. Again, Wikipedia is not a bad place to start. Note: The ethical issue must be a current one that is still not completely resolved. Otherwise, there is no rhetorical purpose to doing the assignment. For example, you can’t use Enron. Why? Because Enron doesn’t exist anymore and therefore the ethical failings of Enron are no longer relevant (unless you find a current company is doing the same thing). I want a real life situation. "Case studies" out of business ethics textbooks are not allowed.
Write up your ethical issue and your case study and post it to "Assignment #2 consultation" by Friday, February 22nd at 11pm PST. All students must respond to at least two of their classmates’ original posts by Monday, February 25th at 11pm. Your goal with your responses is to offer a solution to ethical problem presented. I will grade the depth and engagement of your responses.
The next stage is to write your first draft. This will be a memo, addressed to the company from your case study, that will culminate in a recommendation of a course of action. It should include the following: A brief but detailed description of the problem that has created the ethical issue (1-2 paragraphs), the identification of the overall ethical issue as you see it (1 paragraph), an analysis of how the company is not acting ethically in this situation (2-3 paragraphs), and a recommendation of a more ethical course of action with sp
ecific steps the company can take

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