Services industries are important in building economic growth
Write your essay by addressing the following:
? Describe what various writers -at least THREE (3) – identify as the need for organisations to develop their services offerings.
? Discuss how organisations design and build services to attract new and existing customers to buy their services. Refer to the research you have presented previously in your research report.
? Select and describe how TWO (2) organisations are building their services offerings. You may use international examples as well as Australian organisations, from the financial services sector, distribution services sector or the business services sector.
? Compare and contrast the two organisations’ approaches to building their services businesses.
Sources must include at least six (6) articles/journals for this assignment, including the report assignment article (McManus) and any other relevant material from Assignment One. Use organisation information from Deakin online databases, organisation websites or other sources. References used in your Assignment Research Report may be used. However additional references are required. All sources must be properly referenced and cited. Sources must have been written in the 21st century; that is, since the year 2002 (but as close to 2012 as possible).
Other non-academic sources are not to be used; in particular, do not use Wikipedia, Woopido, MySpace, YouTube, Blogs or any other unverifiable non-academic sources.