Choose any of the following questions (the one in the topic bar is optional)
1) How is unemployment defined and measured? What are the major types of unemployment? Using the UK Office for National Statistics webpage (, ascertain and discuss some general patterns of unemployment in the UK over the recent time period.
2) GDP per capita is widely used to measure the living standard and economic performance of a nation. Critically assess the relevance and limitations of this measure.
3) Examine the debate between Keynesian and Classical economists on whether or not the economy is self-regulating. What evidence can you draw from the 2007-2009 global financial and economic crisis to support your own argument?
4) Examine the Keynesian Consumption Function (KCF). Why is it important to study the KCF? In what ways it might be limited for explaining the consumption/saving behaviour in the economy?
Guideline for completing the essay
1) Independent research of the topic is a crucial part of the exercise. Simply reproduce lecture notes and textbook materials will attract a low grade. Evidence of wide reading, your own synthesis of different sources, independent thinking and analysis will be generously rewarded. The more widely you read the greater your understanding of the breadth and depth of the question. At least THREE different sources should be used in your essay, and at least ONE of these sources should be drawn from the Internet. There should be evidence that you have used these sources in the text.
2) Do not simply copy and paste materials from existing sources! – It is easy for you to do so, but it is also easy for you to be caught and disciplined. All quotations must be clearly referred to and, if references to the literature are used in the essay, a proper bibliography must be included. The Harvard Reference System for referencing should be adopted. If you do not know the Harvard System, you should consult the link below for guidance.
3) Students will be marked down if they rely heavily on only one source or if they fail to fully reference the source of their material.
4) State your assumptions clearly (e.g., whether the results are derived from the Keynesian or classical assumptions). Use diagrams and algebra wherever necessary to clarify the discussion.
5) The total length of the essay should not exceed 2000 words. You should include a word count at the end of the essay.
6) The essay should be typed in a word processor (however, clear hand-written equations and hand-drawn diagrams are acceptable) and double-spaced