Exploring Health Education Discussion week 7

Qualities of Effective Health Educators
What does it mean to be an effective health educator?
Educational attainment, credentialing, and work experience contribute to attributes of health educators in practice. However, might health educators possess additional unique attributes that make them strategically positioned to be more effective? As individuals, we all possess unique attributes and talent that contribute to success in specific areas of day-to-day life. Considering the attributes that you believe health educators should have may help you to identify those attributes that you already possess as well as identify potential areas to develop.
For this Discussion, reflect on those attributes you believe effective educators should possess. Then consider how you might incorporate those attributes into your current or future role as a health educator.
Post by Day 3 a description of three attributes that you believe effective educators should possess and explain why. Then explain how you would incorporate these attributes to become an effective provider of health education and why. Be specific and provide examples.
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