University as a business SWOT
Imagine that you are writing a paper on an organization with which you have had personal experience. You will first describe the chosen organizationand
its objectives, describe three leadership practices of the primary leader, and discuss how the current leadership has affected the organization culture
(that was Part A), and I did that in the paper “University as a Business.”
Here is the outline of University as a Business Draft 2.1.
A. Organization Description
A1. Describe organization and objectives
A2. Describe three leadership practices (behaviors)
A3. Discuss how current leadership has affected the organizational culture
Please note that Part A, Organization Description is done and you do not need to do anything to it other than review it to understand the setting for
Parts B and C.
What I need you to do are the last two sections: Part B and Part C.
B. SWOT analysis:on that organization. You may be creative and please use the SWOT analysis of medical university in references Medical school SWOT 1
to 3 that I provided. Just review those 3 SWOT’s that are already done on real medical schools. You may use any 3 of the strengths of the
organization, 3 weaknesses of the organization, 3 opportunities of the organization, and 3 threats of the organization that you feel fit together well.
Imagine you are writing a novel rather than a “true account.” (4 pages of text, see details below)
C. Leadership Evaluation: In section C, you will analyze the organization’s leader and make recommendations for improvement. For this part of the
essay, please use your imagination and the document List of Leadership Strengths and Weaknesses document which I have provided. Please choose three
strengths of the leader, and three weaknesses of the leader from the list and apply them to the fictitious leader described in “University as a
Business.” (7 pages of text).
Here is a more detailed outline of what I will need.
B. SWOT analysis
B1. Evaluate at least two strengths of the organization (1 page of text)
B2. Evaluate at least two weaknesses of the organization(1 page of text)
B3. Evaluate at least two opportunities for the organization(1 page of text)
B4. Evaluate at least two threats of the organization(1 page of text)
C. Leadership Evaluation
C1. Evaluate at least three strengths of the leader(2 pages of text)
C2. Evaluate at least three weaknesses of the leader(2 pages of text)
C3. Recommended three theory-based practices to maximize success of leader based on the style of leadership know as Transformation Participative. I have
included on transformational leadership. (2 pages of text)
C4. Summary/discussion (1 page of text)
D. References
In APA sixth edition format a suggested outline would look like this:
Organization Description
Organization and Objectives: no more than three pages in length
Three Leadership Practices: no more than three pages in length
How Current Leadership Has Affected the Organizational Culture: no more than two pages in length
SWOT analysis
Two Strengths of the Organization: no more than one page in length
Two Weaknesses of the Organization: no more than one page in length
Least Two Opportunities for the Organization: no more than one page in length
Two Threats of the Organization: no more than one page in length
Leadership Evaluation
Three Strengths of the Leader: no more than two pages in length
Three Weaknesses of the Leader: no more than two pages in length
Three Theory-Based Practices to Maximize Success of Leader: no more than two pages in length
Summary/Discussion:one page of text
Number of pages: 11-pages
Number of references: I have included 15 references for your convenience. Please use only the references that I have provided. If for some reason you
find these references ineffective, please use only primary from refereed journals within the last five years. This is very important for this
Format: APA 6th Ed.
Deadline: September 04, 2017
Here is an example of APA for the reference section:
Nuciforo, M. A. (2015). Minority applicants to physical therapist education programs 2010-
2012. Physical Therapy, 95(1), 39–50.
Here is an example for the in-text citation: The comparisons and statistics can be misleading (Jones, Mason, & Anderson, 2006).