Please submit your assignment electronically on Blackboard. Late submissions will be dealt with as per Section G3 of the academic regulations.
Individual feedback will be provided within Blackboard on the relevant feedback date noted above. It is not possible for the class tutors to check entire individual assignment drafts before submission. However, if any aspect of this assignment is unclear or you have any questions, please contact the relevant module tutor.
Please do not ask for feedback prior to the dates shown above. You will be advised by e-mail as soon as feedback and grades become available.
Learning outcomes assessed in this assignment (from Module Information Pack)
3. Apply the relevant Acts, Regulations and best-practice to design and implementation phases, with regard to the duties and responsibilities placed on respective parties.
4. Analyse working situations, develop and apply strategies which ensure effective management of international codes of practice and legislation.
Assignment Brief
Select a company from the FTSE 100 indexthat operates within the built environment sector (e.g. engineering, construction, real estate, facilities management) to use as a case study.
Compile a project portfolio, making use of relevant reference sources, detailing the following:
1. Discuss how your chosen company can manage compliance with legislation and regulations within an ISO 14001 certified Environmental Management System (EMS).
2. Considering the range of activities undertaken by your chosen company, provide an analysis of what you expect their significant environmental aspects may be, including detail on how and where these aspects come about, the nature of their effects on the local and global environment and how you have assessed their significance.
3. Based on these significant aspects, define some suitable objectives, targets and environmental management programmes that would be relevant to this company.
4. Provide an oral presentation including appropriate Powerpoint slides or other visual media (e.g. Prezi), detailing the above points. The presentation should last no more than 10 minutes (strictly timed).
Assignment Format
The assignment is to be produced in A4 printed format (Word Document) and the total word count should not exceed 2,500 words (excluding titles, reference list, appendices and executive summary). Please state any assumptions you have made. The assignment should be submitted on Blackboard by the deadline shown.
References should be provided for all sources used following the Harvard referencing style. Guidance on Harvard Style referencing is available within the assignment section of the module space on Blackboard.
Use of unfair means to enhance performance is regarded by the university as a very serious offence. Please ensure that what you submit is clearly your own work and that information sources are appropriately referenced. Guidance videos on plagiarism are available within the module space on Blackboard.
Marking Scheme
The assignment will be marked accordingly: Weighting
Introduction: 5% Method, structure, literature review: 20% Analysis/synthesis of relevant issues: 50% Conclusions and recommendations: 10% Presentation, style (of project portfolio): 5% Oral presentation: 10%
100 marks available
This assignment contributes to 50% of the module assessment. To pass this module, a student must achieve a minimum of 50% for this assessment.
Useful sources
Useful sources of information include but are not limited to the following:
BS EN ISO 14001:2004. Environmental Management Systems. Requirements with guidance for use. British Standards Institution. 2004.
Edwards, A.J. (2004). ISO 14001 Environmental Certification: Step By Step. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. Library: 1st floor oversize 658.4083/EDW (ebook also available).