Practicum experence Journal entery

After completing this week’s Practicum Experience,1. reflect on a patient with a known history of a cardiovascular disorder such as a blood

clot or arrhythmia.2. Describe the patient’s 3.personal and4. medical history,5. drug therapy and 6.treatments, and follow-up care. If you did

not evaluate a patient with this background during the last four weeks, you may select a related case study from a reputable source or reflect

on previous clinical experiences.
I had a 36 yr old female came in with her right leg swollen
the patient is on Lisinopril 20mg po daily
the patients blood pressure was149/72 pulse 89 rep 18 temp 98.4 right leg swollen with pulse’s in both feet and ankles pt
reports no injury but just came back from vacation and was in car 8 hrs DR is worried about blood clot , sent to get ultra sound of patients

left calf .
• Buttaro, T. M., Trybulski, J., Polgar Bailey, P., & Sandberg-Cook, J. (2013). Primary care: A collaborative practice (4th ed.). St. Louis,

MO: Mosby. ◦Part 4, “Office Emergencies” ◾Chapter 29, “Bradycardia and Tachycardia” (pp. 198–202)

This chapter covers the epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, physical examination, and diagnostics of bradycardia and

tachycardia. Differential diagnoses for these disorders are also explored.
◾Chapter 30, “Cardiac Arrest” (pp. 202–205)

This chapter examines factors contributing to the onset of cardiac arrest, as well as methods for managing patients with cardiac arrest.
◾Part 11, “Evaluation and Management of Cardiovascular Disorders” (pp. 487–611)

This part explores diagnostics of cardiovascular disorders, including how to differentiate between normal and abnormal test results. It also

outlines components of patient history and physical exams that help determine differential diagnoses for cardiovascular disorders.
◾Part 18, “Evaluation and Management of Hematologic Disorders” (pp. 1139–1181)

This part examines causes and effects of hematologic disorders, as well as resulting symptoms and alterations. It also provides a differential

diagnosis for hematologic disorders and outlines methods for managing patients.

◦Courtenay, M. (2000). Reading and Interpreting the Electrocardiogram. In Advanced nursing skills: Principles and practice (pp. 39–55). London:

Greenwich Medical Media. Retrieved from

This chapter examines how the heart functions, as well as how to read and interpret electrocardiograms.
◦ (2005). ECG basics. Retrieved from


This website outlines the basics of electrocardiograms (ECG or EKG), including how to interpret results.

Optional Resources
◦American Heart Association. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2012, from
◦ (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2012, from
◦Institute for Safe Medication Practices. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2012, from
◦Million Hearts. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2012, from
◦National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2012, from
◦WebMD. (2012). Medscape. Retrieved from
