Motivation in the Workplace: Rewards, Discipline, or Both?

Do not forget that this paper requires at least two references with accompanying citations.

Introduction and Background:
Organizations are constantly trying to make sure that their members are ethical and productive. Several different kinds of reward and punishment

systems have been developed with this goal in mind. Members are evaluated, rewarded, put on performance improvement plans, punished, etc.
Assignment Description:
The point of this assignment is to evaluate the systems of evaluation and motivation. Begin by reviewing the contents of Chapters 7 and 8 in

which the various ways of motivating good behavior are discussed. In an essay of at least 500 words pick the method that you think is best at

genuinely motivating members of an organization to improve their behavior and be productive. Pick the method that you think is least effective

at motivating behavioral improvement. Finally, discuss whether or not different people require different kinds of motivation. Be sure to

complete each of the following steps:
Describe a specific method of reward or discipline that you believe to be best in motivating ethical and productive behavior in the workplace.

How is such applied or communicated?
Discuss a specific method of reward or discipline that you believe is least effective in motivating ethical and productive behavior in the

Discuss whether you think different people require different kinds of motivation or if one system can be applied to all. How is it possible to

know which to apply to whom?
Conclude with a discussion of what was learned in this assignment.
Assignment requirements:
APA format
A title page
One-inch margins
12-point font, double-spaced
500 Words
A reference page. A minimum of two references are expected.
If you use outside sources in researching your responses, be sure to cite them in the body of the paper and include them on the reference page.
