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Use your Designing Organizations text to complete the following:
Read Chapter 5, “Types of Single-Business Strategy,” pages 107–130.
Read Chapter 6, “The Reconfigurable Functional Organization,” pages 131–148.
Read Chapter 7, “Designing the Network Organization,” pages 150–183.
Read the resource Information Interviewing to prepare for planning your interview. (see attached document this order)
Interview Plan
Website icon Interview Plan Scoring Guide.
Website icon APA Style and Format.
Website icon Information Interviewing.
This interview is the primary resource for your course project. The quality of the questions and your preparation for conducting the interview will
have a critical impact on the success of your project. That means you should prepare the questions based on your knowledge of the company, the
interviewee, and what you are learning about high-performing learning organizations through your coursework.
Develop an interview plan. Remember to explain your rationale for choosing this interviewee. Use the resource Information Interviewing (given in the
resources) to help you plan your interview approach.
Based on your readings thus far, create a list of interview questions that explore the issues of structure, learning, and performance. Note: Be
careful not to stray into leadership or career management as interview topics. Remember to focus on the topics assigned. The questions could include
those about strategy, market environment, organization history, restructuring efforts, learning practices, executive behavior, competitive
pressures, performance success criteria, information flow to enhance learning, reward structures that encourage motivation, and methods for
enhancing people skill and capabilities. To aid in this process, you are encouraged to use Galbraith’s star model as a framework for both your
interview and subsequent final course project.
Submission Requirements
Your plan should meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA format: Resources and citations should be in current APA format. Be sure to include title and reference pages.
Length: 2–3 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title and reference pages.
Font and font size: Arial; 11 point.