define each item AND how it affects ems service: capitated contract, fixed costs, line item budgeting, UHU, zero-based budgeting, program based budgeting.

Question description

Choose one question from each section below, answering each completely, using citations and references as appropriate. Then, complete the mandatory question at the end.

Each question should be a cohesive, thought-out “essay” not just bulleted or shortened answers.

Section 1

10 points

1. Based on your reading, discuss how each of the following are major factors that affect EMS services: personnel, call volume, time on call, level of service, quality of service and response time. THEN, explain cost vs outcome.

2. Based on your reading, define each item AND how it affects ems service: capitated contract, fixed costs, line item budgeting, UHU, zero-based budgeting, program based budgeting.

Section 2

15 points

1. Based on your readings, describe the historical development of, and programs administered by, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

2. Describe how fiscal planning affects EACH of the 14 attributes of an EMS system.

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