Students are required to join a group (three to four students in a group) and write a
1,500 word report, which is based on a given, comprehensive and real-business-life
case study
Select an organisation from one of the following industriesfsectors
0 Financial and Insurance Services (e.g., Banks)
0 Health Care and Social Assistance
0 Education
P Mining
P Construction
S” Manufacturing
Develop and write a case study report that consists of a parent company, its
subsidiaries, and the statutory consolidated report
Use the information provided in the company website
Particular emphasis will be given to interpretation of key data in the organisation’s
segment reporting, and its significant practical implications
0 Address the following points in your report
Brief background of the organisation (including the major separate legal
entitiesireportable segments and their geographical locations)
Recent development/change in organisation’s segment reportingjdisclosure (if
Information about major customersfmarkets
Profit (loss) by operating segments
0 Analyse the case organisation’s report and provide a detailed explanation on “why
segment data is essential to the investment analysis process?”
A case studyf report is a detailed analysis of the empirical data and research, which is used to
assess critical thinking, analytical and research skills.
Presentation (20%):
0 Consolidated reports interpretation and presentation (Group presentation) in the class
in Week 10
0 Each group will present their report findings with a view to demonstrating the
knowledge gained through the report process
0 The presentation should be in the format that presentable to the managers and the
board of directors
Assignment Instructions:
0 As this is a group assignment all members of the group are expected to make
substantial contribution to complete the assessment (both report and presentation)
0 You must use the correct company and correct year financial reports
0 Actual financial reports of the case companies must be attached in the appendix
section of your assignment
0 The assignment work must meet basic academic standards (e.g., proof reading of your
work) and the use of appropriate format (e. g., a standard 12 point font, 1.5 line
spacing and side margin 2.5 cm wide)
0 All information sourced from other sources MUST be appropriately cited and
referenced using APA 6th edition referencing style
0 Assignment must be submitted to OLS (any ONE group member can submit the
0 The submission will be subject to ‘turn it in’ for similarity check. The assignment
which found to be plagiarised will be marked to ZERO (0) and, also subject to
disciplinary action
0 Your essay MUST be submitted by the due date (1
2017) as penalty (a deduction of 10% of the maximum available mark for per working
day) applies for late submission (e.g., two days late in submission – 20% penalty).
This penalty does not apply where a student has requested and been granted an
extension to the assignment due date in advance, or where an application for Special
Consideration has been granted (see, Section 4, Policies)
0 Group presentation will be held in Week 10 (in the class) and each group members
MUST present their part/work.