Prepare a PowerPoint for a topic be confirmed by the tutor during the workshop period. You
must make your topic relevant to TESOL in particular. You can identify a personal topic of
interest, to be confirmed by the tutor, or choose from the following topics:

1 ‘Standard English’
2 The advantages and disadvantages of the use of L1 in L2 classrooms.
3 Icebreakers and/or fillers in the classroom
4 Using Drama in the classroom
5 Music and language learning
6 Language Immersion Programs
7 Teaching Reading to complete beginners
8 Using dictionaries in the classroom
9 Motivating adolescent learners
10 The roles of a teacher
11 Using Video as a teaching aid
12 Social media and mobile phones in the classroom
13 Problem behaviour in the classroom
14 Writing at University Level for speakers of all backgrounds
15 Teaching Business English
16 The problems of someone you know in learning English as a second language.
17 Learner difficulties with spelling in English
18 Learning outside the classroom
19 Politeness in English
20 Language, Gender and Sexism
21 Using word games in the classroom
22 Teaching Writing to complete beginners
23 Teaching mixed ability classes
24 Adapting CLT to local contexts
25 Using newspapers in the classroom
26 Task-based Language Teaching
27 Using Readers in the classroom
28 Grouping in the language classroom
29 Using interactive whiteboards in the classroom
30 Teaching younger children
31 Preparing classes for external examinations
32 Teaching one-to-one
33 The ‘Flipped Classroom’
34 Computer-assisted language learning (CALL)

Assignment guidelines
Prepare these PowerPoints professionally to be suitable for a university audience. You will
not be required to make the verbal presentations, but please prepare the materials with a
possible presentation time, allowing for brief discussion, of 20 minutes length as a guiding
aim. You should aim to produce PowerPoints which summarise verbally and visually the main
points you want to make. Please note that while PowerPoints are usually meant to
accompany verbal presentations, they should also be able to stand alone. The electronic
reader should be able to understand all of the explicit general points you make and to
perceive much of what is implicit. If you have important information you have no space for on
the slides, use the notes pages

Your PowerPoint should:
• be structured in a logical manner
• include an initial outline of the main sections of your presentation
• include an interactive element in the form of questions, prompts or short activities
• include a range of references from a minimum of 7 sources, including books and
recent journal articles
• include in-text citations and a reference list as per APA 6th guidelines
• use language appropriate for an academic setting
• not contain more than one or two short cited quotes from the sources
• not put more emphasis into the graphics and visuals than into the written content as
this can distract from your message.

2. Materials Development

Design, plan and prepare in detail two content-based unit lessons for a group of students
in a specific setting of your choice. The unit lessons should run consecutively; the second
should flow logically from the first and there should be some thread that links the two
together. The aim of the whole content-based unit plan is to develop your students’
awareness, skills and learning strategies for integrating the four skills and to foster their
content knowledge. Your unit lessons should also be designed based on the “Into, Through,
and Beyond” framework (Brinton, Goodwin, & Ranks, 1994). That is, your students will be
able to get “into” the content, “through” it with your guidance, and “beyond” it by producing
more extensive output. Present the plans as per the guidelines below.

The detailed content-based unit plan should be comprised of:

1. Key unit planning components:

• a title page that states the unit topic
• a table of contents that lays out each headed section
• a scope and sequence chart that identifies connections between your planned
lessons, and provides an overview of the key components of each lesson
• a detailed rationale (see #2 below for further information)
• a student profile including the content area, grade level/age group, proficiency level,
duration of each lesson, student L1 background
• each lesson plan that consists of
o a lesson topic
o lesson objectives for content, language, skills
o progression of activities (the anticipated timing for each stage and the
anticipated interaction patterns)
o resources/materials (e.g., visuals, texts, worksheets, etc; see #3)

2. The rationale should specify why you have set particular aims in light of the specific needs
of the particular class, how the four skills will be integrated and content knowledge supported
through language and visual aids, anticipated problems and strategies, lesson materials,
activities and evaluations. Also provide relevant literature and a reference list following APA
6th guidelines.

3. All the lesson materials have to be submitted along with your unit plan. These can be
created by you or adapted from existing materials.
