Question description

Part I: Wrap- Up Statement

  • Make as summary statement about what you’ve learned in the course.
  • How has what you learned impacted your attitude toward arthropods?
    • Has your perspective changed from how you felt at the beginning of the course?
  • How do you plan on using what you’ve learned in this course in the future?

Part II: Take-Away Statements

  • Write 5 take away statements (1-2 sentences each) from what you learned in the course.
    • This would be a list of one-two sentence statements about what you have learned, discovered about yourself or others, or your thoughts on specific topics/issues discussed in class or in your weekly assignments. . Students will use original, personal statements and no need to reference or use definitions from Power Points. This should be a personal list of your thoughts regarding the course and its subject matter from beginning to end.

    Upon successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

    • Identify and summarize differences between moths and butterflies
    • Explain the history of Sericulture (Silk making/ Silk industry) and identify its origins
    • Evaluate the significance of caterpillars as agricultural pest, specifically gypsy moths.
    • Identify a picture of an adult Mediterranean fruit fly and evaluate sterile medfly release program as necessary preventative program in California
    • Compare and contrast an adult mosquito with that of an adult crane fly
    • Identify transmission, signs, and symptoms of West Nile Virus (WNV) and evaluate its significance in Los Angeles county

  • STEP 1: TAKE QUIZ: CH. 11, 12, 14, 18

    Quiz window: check course calendar


    Respond to discussion board prompt titled: Course Wrap-Up: Reflection Response.See Course Calendar for due date.


    Read textbook chapters 21, 22, and 25.


    You suspect West Nile is in your neighborhood. Through California West Nile Virus (website)1, you identify signs of West Nile Virus (WNV).
    WNV FAQ & Basics (website)1After reading through the FAQs and Basics, answer the following questions:

    • What is the vector of WNV?
    • What role do birds play in the WNV infection cycle?
    • How does a person get the virus?
    • What are mild and serious symptoms of WNV?

    California West Nile Virus (website)1Use the map to search Human Cases of WNV (in blue) in 2015. Use the ‘Case Counts by County’ table on left of map to sort by human cases and rank Los Angeles cases compared to other CA counties. Answer the following questions:

    • How many cases of WNV were in Los Angeles county?
    • How does this number rank compared to other counties?

    West Nile Virus on the RiseNBC Learn UnknownTitle: West Nile Virus on the Rise
    Date: Aug 14, 2012
    Duration: 00:02:09Watch the ‘West Nile Virus on the Rise’2 video by clicking on the thumbnail. Answer the following questions:

    • What steps are recommended to prevent WNV?
    • What age group had highest mortality rate (number of deaths) due to the virus?

    West Nile Cases Double in TexasNBC Learn UnknownTitle: West Nile Cases Double in Texas
    Date: Aug 22, 2012
    Duration: 00:02:57Watch the ‘West Nile Cases Double in Texas’3 video by clicking on the thumbnail.


    1. Latest West Nile Virus Activity in CA. CA Department of Public Health, 20 Nov. 2015. Web.
    2. “West Nile Virus on the Rise.” Robert Bazell, correspondent. NBC Nightly News. NBCUniversal Media. 14 Aug. 2012. NBC Learn. Web.
    3. “West Nile Cases Double in Texas.” Janet Shamlian, correspondent. NBC Nightly News. NBCUniversal Media. 22 Aug. 2012. NBC Learn. Web.


    There are several government programs and departments designs specifically to protect the U.S. against insect invaders. Many are agriculture-related. But how does the U.S. government manage insect pests? There are many unique and unconventional ways to control insect pests. Watch the following video, and review the website for one example of insect pest management strategy here in California.
    Sterilized Medfly Release (video)1 | Transcript: Sterilized Medfly Release (docx)Answer the questions below to prepare for next quiz/exam:

    • Why is this fly a risk to California?
    • What are the flies ‘treated’ with that makes them sterile?

    Mediterranean Fruit Fly Prevention Release Program (website)2Answer the questions below to prepare for next quiz/exam:

    • What is the objective of this program?
    • How are the flies released over areas in CA?


    1. “Sterilized Medfly Release.” YouTube. County of San Diego, 8 Apr. 2010. Web.
    2. “CDFA Plant Health.” CDFA PLANT PDEP Preventative Release Program (Medfly). California Department of Food and Agriculture, 24 Aug. 2014. Web.


    How Silk is Made (video)1 | Transcript: How Silk is Made (docx)Prepare for the next quiz by answering the questions below:

    • What stage in the silk moth development is where the silk threads are extracted from?
      • What are the purposes for boiling this developmental stage of the insect?
    • How are the individual silk threads harvested?


    1. “How It’s Made Silk.” How It’s Made. YouTube, 9 Mar. 2015.


    If you haven’t already, complete this survey before final’s week. (Participation is worth 5 points extra credit).See link under Week 9 content folder, Step 5.

  • BUTTERFLY MYTHOLOGY… native american

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