Research paper. INCLUDE: four (4) relevant news articles from the past two years (24 months) and two (2) peer reviewed articles. Mainstream News Sources: CNN, Fox, NBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, APM, BBC, France24, Deutsche Welle, NHK, NY Times, Al Jazeera, Reuters, Huffington Post. IMPORTANT: single spaced, 1” Margins 12 font Times New Roman Proper citation (no factual statement without citation). Expected to be 3rd person format *no personal anecdotes, experiences, or opinions within them.* These are intended to be professional academic papers so there must be no personal anecdotes, experiences, or opinions within them. All academic papers are expected to be in a professional, third person format. All citation APA, (Name Date) + References Page. The Paper Should Include: Name, Title on top of 1st Page, In-Text Citation References page. The paper need to cover how the chosen topic relates to current events. Paper will include four (4) relevant news articles from the past two years (24 months) and two (2)peer-reviewed articles. The paper is to show the real-world application of a specific topic within sociology. The paper needs to begin with what the topic is, a concise yet simple overview of the chosen topic and then how the topic is playing out in current, real-world events. No matter how you focus your paper all conclusions and opinions should be backed by proven sociological facts. This is not the place to state your opinion on the topic and just present your side of the issue. All citation in the paper must be formatted to APA (American Psychological Association).
Global Perspectives on Social Issues: Race and Ethnicity & Gender and SexualityPaper
Global Perspectives on Social Issues: Race and Ethnicity & Gender and SexualityPaper # 2:
this paper will deal with Unit 3 and Unit 4. This paper will include two questions and you will be required to answer BOTH questions presented, one in relation to each unit. Fifty points each question. This will be a very analytical (class-material-analysis-oriented) assignment. This paper is due Sunday, October 25, 2015 by 11:59 PM MST. Paper 2 will cover these academic units: Unit 3: Race and Ethnicity – Part I: Racism, Prejudice, and Discrimination – Part II: Patterns of Majority – Minority Interaction & Prejudice and Bigotry Approaches Read chapter 8 Sernau Unit 4: Gender and Sexuality – Part I: Introduction: Gender and Sexuality – Part II: Gender Inequality: Women the Oppressed Majority I will provide the lecture notes, the course book and more specific guidelines for this assignment.
ALSO my professor does not count quotes as content, therefore quotes do not count towards the length requirement. Please keep that in mind
Art and the public
Draw upon the attached readings formulate a response to the below. Be sure to articulate a thesis and support your argument using evidence from the readings. Cite texts in footnotes or endnotes (for formatting see Chicago Manual of Style). Your response should be roughly 1200-1400 words, equivalent to 4-5 pages, double-spaced, with 12-point font.
Compare and contrast the practices of the 18th Century Grand Tour with the French Academy’s Salon of Painting and Sculpture. How did the social and educational profile of Grand Tourists differ from Salon audiences? What similarities and differences existed in the organization and exhibition of objects featured in each tradition? How did the Grand Tour and Salon encourage the production of printed texts about art? To what extent has public engagement with art criticism and art tourism changed from the Enlightenment to today?
Knowing Myself from a Sociologist Perspective
Here are the key things to keep in mind regarding your Core Assessment Research Paper:
•This "research paper" is worth 200 points and should take at least 8-10 pages (MINIMUM 2,000 words) to adequately complete.
•One of the primary goals of this course is for you to understand the "relationship between your individual experiences and the forces in the larger society that shapes your actions and reactions" – the Sociological Imagination. So this paper will be a reflection of the sociological theories and concepts you have studied to demonstrate your understanding of the Sociological Imagination.
•This Core Assessment Paper has been designed for you demonstrate that you have understood and met the Core Learning Outcomes outlined at the beginning of the course.
•Throughout this paper you MUST include thoughtful, meaningful examples to support your work and demonstrate your knowledge and understanding.
•Your paper should include at least three (3) library references to books or academic articles (your textbook COUNTS as one resource and you can use the online Park Library Resources to support your research effort), and at least three (3) other web-based references to support your answers. PLEASE NOTE: You CANNOT use Wikipedia or any other type of "encyclopedia" as a source for this paper.
•Your research paper grade will be determined as follows:
◦60% = the sociological presentation
◦10% = style, including competence with the APA format (for information on the APA style and format go to the APA Resources link on the Course Home menu.
◦10% = logical flow and organization
◦10% = analysis, application, and examples
◦10% = evaluation and critique
• MAKE SURE you format your paper so it is easy to read. There are three (3) major parts to the assignment, so break you work into readable "chunks" based upon the major parts identified below.
•You will submit your Core Assessment Research Paper using the Dropbox.
Part I – The Sociological Perspective
CLEARLY identify a current social problem/issue (with research support) that affects you personally. Use the "sociological perspective" to discuss the problem/issue and include these elements in your answer:
•Discuss IN DETAIL which of the major theoretical perspectives in Sociology that best "explains" the social problem/issue, and be sure to demonstrate your thorough understanding of the theoretical perspective based upon the text AND supporting research.
•Explain the "cultural" components/elements that contribute to the causes, effects, and/or solutions of the problem/issue.
•Identify and discuss the relationship of the "socialization" process to the issue/problem, causes and solutions, make sure and talk about what "agents of socialization" are important in your discussion.
Part II – Social Inequality
The focus of this section of the paper is on several key concepts; social class, gender, and race/ethnicity, and the how these relate to the overall concept of social inequality. Here are the questions/issues to address in this part of the paper:
•Identify as clearly as possible your social class as it relates to your personal (family) wealth, income, and occupational status and the relationship of your social class to your educational journey, past, present and future.
•Identify your gender and discuss the consequences of your gender on current and potential occupational status, wealth, and income.
•Identify your race/ethnicity and discuss the positive and/or negative consequences related to access to educational and occupational opportunities AND whether or not individual and/or institutional discrimination has affected your life chances.
Part III – Social Institutions
The focus of this part of the Core Assessment is on several of the dominant social institutions in society as presented in the text as “chapters”:
•Chapter 8: Social Class in the United States
•Chapter 11: Politics and the Economy
•Chapter 12: Marriage and the Family
•Chapter 13: Education and Religion
Here is what you need to do:
• Select two (2) of the chapters identified above and then focus on EACH of the institutions covered in the chapter and discuss sociologically how they affect you and others.
•Use information from the text, other resources, and your personal experiences to critically evaluate the relationship between the institutions and the social trends and their effects on you and others.
The Social Construction of Disability
social work practices
Sociology Paper
Sociology Paper
In this essay you will critically examine a current event or popular cultural text and
reflect on how the event or text constructs, reinforces, or challenges hegemonic ideas
about race, gender, sexuality, and/or immigration status or racial inequality in the U.S
(you are free to write about one or a combination of these forms of difference). The event
or text you choose must be analyzed using at least one theory or concept from class
readings. At least one reference from class readings must be included. Please cite any
materials pertaining to the event or text you write about.
The scope of this assignment is open ended to allow you the opportunity to think
creatively and critically about race and power in society by either considering cultural
representations (racial images) or current events while utilizing social theory. If you have
any questions or concerns about choosing a topic please follow up with me.
The essay can be organized along the following lines:
! Introduction: briefly describe the current event/text as well as the theory you will
be using, and explain why you chose the topic, e.g. its significance or
contemporary relevance
! Theoretical Framework: Discuss the theoretical framework or concepts you are
using in depth and cite at least one class reading
! Background: describe the event or cultural text in greater detail and include any
relevant histories or contextualizing factors
! Analysis: Select key features or components of the event/text and use them as
evidence for the ways in which race and power are represented or are at work in
the text/event you are writing about
! Conclusion: offer a summary of what analyzed as well as any overall insights
Impact on violent video games on teenage boys
Topic: Division of household labor
Don’t just copy and paste from any internet sources. Please do use your own word. Also no more than one internet source please.
This paper should answer all these six questions below. Please use your own words. Also have a short introduction and conclusion.
-One inch margins
-What is the work that needs to be done at home? (include child care)
-In the U.S., who does what work in a household?
-What is the “second shift”?
-In your own family of orientation, who did what work?
-What are the three main explanations for the gendered division of labor?
-In your family of orientation, what explains the division of labor?
-If you create a family in the future, how do you plan to organize the division of labor?(Absolute balance)
how you would define culture
Topic: Based on your reading of the chapters on the symbolic frame briefly explain, how you would define culture. Then comment on what the CEO can do to influence it in the CleanTech case below. Be specific and concrete in your suggestions as if you were really
Bolman and Deal’s four frames are based on fundamentally different assumptions about organisations and organisational phenomena. Culture is a central concept in the symbolic frame. Based on your reading of the chapters on the symbolic frame briefly explain (in max one paragraph), how you would define culture. Then comment on what the CEO can do to influence it in the CleanTech case below. Be specific and concrete in your suggestions as if you were really giving advice to the CEO.
In addition to the textbook, the following paper may help you reflect upon what culture is and how it can be conceptualised (non‐compulsory reading just a suggestion): Smircich, L. (1983). Concepts of culture and organizational analysis. Administrative science quarterly, 28(3), 339‐358.
CleanTech Case
CleanTech is a recycling firm that focuses on collecting, recycling and disposing of waste and garbage. The firm has recently acquired Local Waste. Local Waste was previously owned by the local municipality and was mainly focused on collecting waste and garbage from local households and firms. CleanTech’s core business was recycling and Sara Rinkel, the CEO, believes there are great synergies in combining these two areas. The old CleanTech has strong capabilities in recycling complex and toxic waste from manufacturing firms. Central factors creating this capability are well‐educated employees (often with a master in environmental science and additional certification from the Environmental Protection Agency), and a well‐integrated team with complementary skills and good knowledge about who‐knows‐what so that an employee who needs advice knows whom to contact.
The old Local Waste has its main strength in optimisation of the collecting route and the detailed system for collecting waste. The waste collecting route and procedures are reorganised when the customer base changes. It is meticulously documented and followed up in the internal IT system, which defines which sites a garbage truck should visit and what procedures to carry out. In addition, the system measures the time each collection takes based on GPS logs from the trucks.
The firms are now formally integrated, but Sara is concerned that there are underlying cultural problems in the organisations. Sara explains that “within the real CleanTech, customer service has always been the prime focus of the employees”. However, within the “old Local Waste” there seems to be more of what Sara calls a “public sector mentality”. She complains that the former Local Waste employees are focusing more on rules and procedures than on customer needs. One time a loyal customer needed an urgent pick‐up just before a long‐weekend. The employees who took the call rejected the customer as taking the job would have entailed 10 min overtime for them. The customer had to manage the situation with its own employees, which took them several hours of extra work just before the long weekend. Sara was furious to hear about it from the customer later on. Sara says “there are people who work 9‐5 and there are people who get the job done. In CleanTech we do not work harder than others, but we always put our customers first.” Sara says that she realises that there are many more problems “under that surface”. She says that she was naïve to look at this only from a business perspective – she saw great possibilities to do things more efficiently, but she totally underestimated the problems with integrating the two cultures. She says that “the former Local Waste employees seem reluctant to mix with the real CleanTech people. They work in cohesive groups that almost seem hostile and they complain about being privatised”.
Sara is also concerned with the different ways people from the two different organisations expect to be managed – “In the real CleanTech people take initiatives, seek information and exercise judgment. The Local Waste people always want a written procedure and management approval to do anything.”
Sara is also concerned with the different ways people from the two different organisations expect to be managed – “In the real CleanTech people take initiatives, seek information and exercise judgment. The Local Waste people always want a written procedure and management approval to do anything.”