Evidence-Based Practice Proposal Project
Discuss why EBP is an essential component of the practice of a BSN-prepared RN. Identify two ways in which you will continue to integrate evidence into your practice and encourage it within your work environment. What obstacles could challenge this plan, and what steps will you take to minimize their impact?
e-Library Resource
1. Evidence-Based Practice, Step by Step: Implementing an Evidence-Based Practice Change
Review “Evidence-Based Practice, Step by Step: Implementing an Evidence-Based Practice Change,” by Gallagher-Ford, Fineout-Overholt, Melnyk, and Stillwell, from American Journal of Nursing (2011).
2. Inside Looking In or Inside Looking Out? How Leaders Shape Cultures Equipped for Evidence-Based Practice
Review “‘Inside Looking In’ or ‘Inside Looking Out’? How Leaders Shape Cultures Equipped for Evidence-Based Practice,” by Halm, from American Journal of Critical Care (2010).
3. Change-Related Expectations and Commitment to Change of Nurses: The Role of Leadership and Communication
Review “Change-Related Expectations and Commitment to Change of Nurses: The Role of Leadership and Communication,” by Portoghese et al., from Journal Nursing Management (2012).